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Yahweh’s Yarn in a Year

Yahweh’s Yarn in a Year is a commitment to reading the whole Bible in one year.  I welcome you to join us on this amazing journey!

Here is the complete plan.. these refer to Chapters..

1 Gen
2 Gen
3 Gen
4 Gen
5 Gen
6 Gen
7 Gen
8 Gen
9 Gen
I Cor
10 Gen
Ruth Ps
I Cor
11 Gen
I Sam
I Cor
12 Gen
I Sam
I Cor
13 Gen
I Sam
I Cor
14 Ex
I Sam
I Cor
15 Ex
I Sam
I Cor
16 Ex
I Sam
I Cor
17 Ex
II Sam
II Cor
18 Ex
II Sam
II Cor
19 Ex
II Sam
II Cor
20 Ex
II Sam
II Cor
21 Ex
II Sam
II Cor
22 Ex
I Kings
23 Ex
I Ki
Lam Luke
24 Lev
I Ki
25 Lev
I Ki
26 Lev
I Ki
27 Lev
II Kings
28 Lev
29 Lev
30 Lev
I Thes
31 Lev
I Thes
32 Lev
I Chr
II Thes
33 Num
I Chr
I Tim
34 Num
I Chr
I Tim
35 Num
I Chr
II Tim
36 Num
I Chr
Joel John
II Tim
37 Num
I Chr
38 Num
II Chr
39 Num
II Chr
Obad Acts
40 Num
II Chr
Jonah Acts
41 Num
II Chr
Micah Acts
42 Deut
II Chr
Nahum Acts
43 Deut
II Chr
Hab Acts
44 Deut
II Chr
Zeph Acts
45 Deut
II Chr
Hag Acts
I Pet
46 Deut
I Pet
47 Deut
II Pet
48 Deut
Mal Acts
I John
49 Deut
I John
50 Deut
II John
51 Deut
III John
52 Deut


  1. My preparation thus far is trying to get my house in order. Literally. After my divorce 5 years ago I just went well numb it appears. Not much laughing, crying or anything else for that matter. I dreaded going through all the boxes that came with the move and have done very little with family or friends. This past Thanksgiving holiday my eyes were opened by a person who appeared non judgemental and when I expressed the things I wanted to accomplish all this person asked me is “why don’t you?” A simple question that I pondered over for a bit. This person started the process. Then vanished out of my life.
    So I’ve started. It will take some time but I am working at my pace and finally I am seeing some result. There is much more to do and I look forward to your writings. For many topics you have covered I can relate to my everyday life and keep going.
    Thanks so much!

    • tara permalink

      For Kathy:
      I too am separated from my fiance. I have 3 children I read your blog and it gave me a reason to try extra hard at coming out of my shell. I haven’t been wanting to do any of the things that I was once doing. I’ve just started recently do some of the activities again. I’m also going at my own pace and realize that it’s not on someone else’s time but mine and Gods. Thank you for your inspiration today and I now realize that i’m not alone.

    • Kimberly Cavett permalink

      Amen, Kathy. I can relate to your comment. My prayers are with you. God bless.

    • Clement permalink

      My advice after a divorce is release the past and move on to a glorious life with the Lord. Re-marry again(I mean marriage to christ). When you consume your jife with God, so nuch joy of the spirit will be released.

      • Oluwatobi permalink

        i really pray God to help you and give you grace to really consume your life with GOD as you said. I think except that your ex-wife is not in any way a christian, if she is or claiming to be then if you’ve found it so difficult to leave together here on earth definitely some one between you will be forfeiting heaven which i believe is not going to make the joy of the other full. Rather i believe with God that stumbling block on the success way of that your marriage can be worked upon and turned into a stepping stone to a greater height both psychologically, morally and spiritually. It is possible for to renew hope where man thought there is none, for I believe He specializes in things thought imposible and that is if man will allow Him. Try to consider that and your pursuit to greater height in God will be much more easier than doing it without your spouse. God bless you. Amen

      • Lori permalink

        Being filled with Christ will fill any and all voids you may have in your life! Jesus is the only true way to happiness and always keep in mind this is a jounery

    • Kathy, I read your post and felt as though I was the writer. Like you, I went through a totally devastating and shocking divorce after 18 yrs, of marriage. It is now going on 7 years since my ex husband abandonded me and my then 7 yr. old son. I cannot tell you in this response what he and his mistress put me through. One major thing was that I had a nervous breakdown as a result of all the agony they brought upon me. He took me to court and was awarded my son, I learned alot about particular occupations. There is a good ole boy system within the legal system and they can be monsters……I lived through what they did to me also. They always win from the cases I have witnessed. My own Atty was a part of it and I have seen none of the monetary awards. He also refused to represent me during the custody hearing. That same Atty, is now the Atty for my ex’s place of employment! I am reporting him to the bar for abandoning a case. The custody arrangements were supposed to be temporary, but that was 2 yrs. ago. He turned my precious baby against me. He is 13 now and we are just beginning to talk the way we used to. My son verbally abuses me saying the same things his father said to me and at one point started physically abusing me. I have been going through the mourning process for years now. I stopped doing everything that I once did. I even stopped driving. I have been talking to God every day and that has helped me tremendously. I have not been near a man since my ex husband committed adultery and abandoned us. He has introduced 2 ex prostitutes into my sons life and another woman who brazenly told me she didn’t care about the divorce. I am concerned, because my son stated that he has absolutely no respect for women. I plan to get my son back home and also back into counseling. The word tells us to speak those things as if they were. Like I stated earlier, I can not tell you all the things I went through, but they were horrendous and I’ve been told I should write a book, because I went through so much, Kathy. You are not alone precious one, I know exactly how you felt and what you went through. I am just now ready to open my heart to a man again. To be very honest with you, I am scared. I have been blessed to connect with a man who is very humble and so caring. Please keep me in your prayers. My heart yearns to be happy again.

      • Rose permalink

        I was extremely honest about what I am and have been going through. I will not do that again. It’s like no matter where I turn, I never get the love and support that I need. I lean heavily on God, because man lets me down every day. I have called my Pastor 3 times, he has yet to respond to me. We live in a world where people are respecters of persons, Praise God that He is not a respecter of persons. If I didn’t have Him, I would have no one or nothing. I have a huge hole of pain in my hear t and God knows that my heart has been broken to the point of almost feeling numbness. I am learning quickly not to turn to people, but to turn to Jesus. He will never let me down!

      • Teri permalink

        I am divorced, too. Not what I planned for my marriage! My heart goes out to you and your struggles. I agree that it can be very hard to get the love and support you need. But the good thing is that this makes us press into the Lord and grow closer with Him. He will see us through ALL our troubles and deliver us and settle and establish us in His time. It is wonderful that He is with us and we are never alone or forsaken by Him. Praise the Lord!

      • Rose permalink

        @Teri…..Thank you so very much for everything Teri. I thank God for you taking the time to offer me encouragemewnt. I have just been breathing for going on 7 years. I have been wounded very deeply and I just cant seem to let it go. Oh Teri, I have fought so hard, prayed so hard, studied so hard to the point that I dont know what else to do. Please continue to uplift me in Prayer. May God bless you Terl.

      • Teri permalink

        I have been apart from my ex-husband for just over 7 years now and I know how hurtful it is to be rejected. Do you go to a church? Have you some lovely female Christian friends who you can meet up with? And is there maybe a ladies group at church? The reason I ask this is that this would bring around you a support network that is much needed when you are on your own and hurting. I have found that meeting with Christian female friends has been a real blessing to me – they are like sisters in Christ to me. We can talk and pray for each other and help each other out when needed. Some friends are great to encourage us, some to practically help out, and some to talk with. God can provide you with a range of friends to cover all your needs, plus you can be a friend in different ways to them too!
        Also, have you forgiven your ex? Have you any counselling available at church? We do need to seek the Lord for His healing of our heart. It has been broken.
        May God bless you and uphold you as He heals you, Rose. I will pray for you. I know the Lord loves you so much and He wants to heal your broken heart and make you whole again, in Him! He has good plans for your life, Rose, and He WILL bring them about!

      • Teri permalink

        Rose, it’s all about building a new life with a different focus. When you were with your husband your focus was mainly on him and pleasing him. Now life has changed and it’s time to seek the Lord what He wants you to do with your life. Even down to work/career, and for what ways you can serve the Lord (even doing dishes at church, helping out a young mum with some practical help when her kids are sick [a meal, helping with washing n dishes], etc). The Lord may even call you into serving Him in another way like, for example, to train as a counsellor within the church. Be open to Him and seek Him for new direction in your life, for the Lord does, indeed, have good plans for your life! Bless you. 🙂

      • pat rodriguez permalink

        Amen to you my sister. May God Bless you and give the man you deserve. Just trust God. Give it all to Him. Your son will know the truth someday and I know God will bring him back to you. Your in my prayers. Take care and God Bless you my sister.

    • Valerie permalink

      To Kathy
      Thankyou for your comment, I have experienced the same challeges in the last five years and basicly did the same thing ,,,just numbed out, it was the only way I could have survived I guess. But last Aug, 09 something happened that woke me up, I dont know if it was the people I surrounded myself with or what it was, But I started simply walking,,,,30 pounds later a year has passed and just the other day I thought to my self It’s time to tackle those boxes,,,,so many memories, and I must admit I’m a little afraid It may send me backwards,but I’m going do a little at a time and pray,pray,,,pray pray,,,,Bottom Line,,,,,,,,I dont know where I would be without Our Heavenly Father,,,,He carried me when I could not carry my self and gently place me on solid ground,,,,,,Thank you for confirming that I can finally rise above the muck and meer of a 22 year marriage that ends in a sad divorce. It’s over,,,Thank God!!

      • God is close to the broken hearted…I have been divorced for 20 yrs now and he (Jesus Christ) comforted me, lifted me up…it’s been a long journey, but it was to give U words of encouragments it was not in vain…in God’s love.

      • Like all of you here my heart was broken 12 years ago by suicide of my Husband, there are no words of comfort here. I have had a visitation in the earlier part of the year, when I was dying, literally i had acute respiratory distress syndrome and ended up in ICU in the local hospital. Jesus talk to me and held me up in the most beautiful and amazing way I cannot put into words the whole encounter. I can say that until you surrender unto him in complete abandonment you cannot forgive yourself much less anyone else. After twenty years of dealing with psycho drama and the Ultimate slap in the face, Thirty-two years of Trauma were wiped away by his words. Some have asked what did he say, It was the most unusual experience in my life but I know that was Jesus. My heart knows it was him, And he left me alive with a profound respect for Understanding and Love, you must try to find him and completely surrender yourself to God’s will so that you will be there with All to GLORIFY HIM!

    • To: kathy,terri,rose) marriage is just like life it has it’s ups and downs but thur it all we deal with it, and when our marriages don’t work!! we look to jesus/the almighty who is the source of all supply whatever you want or need is found in him because he is the center of our joy… he will pick you up and turn you around so never let go of god unchanging hand,and soon you will find true happiness and the right mate so look to the hills from which cometh your help your help come from the lord he will always be your first love no matter what happens,your never alone…p.s I’ve been married 28 years to my high school sweetheart!!!

  2. terrance utley permalink

    Ok,,I kno the lord has already fasted for us before he was crusified,,do we as christians have to fast also for 40 days and forty nights cuse I am confused please help me out somebody… that’s my email

    • Sarah permalink

      No. It’s not a commandment to fast for 40 days and 40 nights.

    • Carla permalink

      Hi Terrance, No we as Christians do not have to fast for 40 days and nights. We are told to fast for God’s Will to be done in our lives. When there is a specific need in the household then we go on a fast for 2-3 days or whatever God ask of you to do. Then the breakthrough will come and your eyes will open to what God was trying to show you. Just have the faith of a mustard seed like He has given you and let it flow through the Word of God and be loving to others no matter what they may be going through. One command He gave us was to love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another. John 13:34,35 May God bless you in your search for Him. He is so awesome and wonderful.

      • Mary Beth permalink

        Thank you for sharing about fasting. I was brought up Roman Catholic and as such I was always very “turned off” by any rituals or “commandents” or “rites” as it seemed most of them were just made up by a bunch of megalomanical men in Rome.I know this may sound harsh but I went to grammar school in the sixties and experienced the abuse of the nuns and priests. Nevertheless, I am and always have considered myself Christian and have recently (about a year and a half) turned to Christ again…Praise the Lord…He did not abandon me!! Anyway, I still have a lot of questions which are being answered through prayer, Bible study and listening to other Christians who seem to have God working in their lives in a personal way. My point is that when you brought up fasting, it occurred to me that this can be a very personal expression of faith so I thank you. If there are any other “recovering Catholics” out there that can help me to see the differences I would appreciate your help. Thanks

    • Kimberly Cavett permalink

      Let God lead you in your decision to fast and for how long. I can and will be diffrent for each person, accoring to HIS will. GOD bless, my prayers for you.

    • Ibrahim permalink

      I also had problems understanding fasting, but simply reading several ‘fasting’ verses like Isaiah 58:3-12 from a simple translation of The Bible (Good News Bible) helped a lot. You should too, it’s beautiful.
      Years later, I got more understanding by reading “Commonsense Guide to Fasting” by Kenneth Hagin.
      These days for my Bible study, I use eSword, the free interactive Bible.

  3. terrance permalink

    Do we as christians need to fast for 40 days and 40 nights

    • Woody permalink

      No, you only fast when you are lead by the Holy Spirit to do so. Please continue reading and studying your and praying and seek out a Bible teaching Church and these web sites might help. and
      God Bless Woody

      • Lerato permalink

        By giving those wbsites,you didnt just help terrance but you’ve also shed a light my way. i’m going to read and read more. im a suffering soul seeking GOD. im weak to the temptations of the world and i dont know how to stay strong n firm as a christian. i want to live for Christ. the only time i feel content is when im here reading everybodys comments. i love GOD. i just want to be closer to HIM

    • NAFTALI MUTAHI permalink

      GOD BLESS YOU.christians are commanded to fast.remember jesus said there are demons tha can not obey without [you]praying and fasting. fasting is a duty… is a displine.BUT ONLY MOSES AND THE LORD JESUS HAD 80 AND 40 DAYS RESPECTIVELY BECAUSE THEY HAD SUPERNATURAL FAST…..IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD.
      us we should not do that its ENTICING SPIRITS.
      So precious brethren be diligent and contend for balanced fastings that brings godly results like issaiah 58 ,daniel, ezra,collonellus etc.

      God bless you and enjoy your fast

    • David permalink


      My name is David.
      God calls us to be separate and come out of this world. The only fasting
      God requires from us is this:
      Fasting nowadays refers to fasting from the world and things that take
      you away from our Lord. It is not required to literally fast from food
      or drink. If you want to fast, fast from everything the world has to
      offer that will pull you away from God. Fast from, TV, Movies, Music,
      Books (except the bible), Computer’s, Internet, anything that is
      distracting and designed to take you away from God. God does not want us
      to suffer and fasting for 40 days eating either nothing of very little
      is harmful. We do not have to suffer in that way to focus our hearts and
      minds back on Christ.

      I hope this helps you.

      • Diana Middleton permalink

        I know what you are sying here. I wanted to know God better, get closer to him, be in His will for me. With all the outside interferance, work, family, friends, it was hard to do. I had to have surgey, and my recovery time was going to be 6 weeks. I thought this would be a good time, to shelter my self from outside interferance, learn more about God and his will for me. I had also went thur a divorce three years before this. I was confused , lost, empty, wondering amously. There were a lot of lifes bad temptations comming my way. What a prefect time to shut all that out, take time for me and God. Got all my reading material ready, turned off tv and internet. Studyed, meditated, prayed , and cryed. When the 6 weeks was up, I was a changed women, new where my goals were, put God ahead of everything, and my life changed for the better. I have been redirected. I took a bad situation with not looking forward to having surgey, not having anyone there for support, to just having THE LORD and I. HE seen me thru and brought me closer, gave me pease, taught me how to forgive, and go on with my life, with HIM !

      • Steve permalink

        Thank you David, you shed some light on the subject of fasting. I appreciate the way you explained it. God Bless!!!

      • Steve Gill permalink

        True…. Fasting is not required…. but “literally” not eating can keep you focused on the one thing instead of the “I” thing. Focus on something other than ourselves is never more completely felt then when we have “no” intake of anything. Then we can truly set our sights on things not of this world. Even food is of this world. By the way, the first thing that Christ did after he was baptized was went to the desert and fasted for 40 days. If God’s Son needed to “abstain” from the stuff of the body so that His Soul could be focused, then He telling us by His Word that we should to. Just The Spirit telling me to tell you this. Peace my brother and enjoy your time as God’s Child.

  4. I am in a serious place on discontentment. I feel so far from God right now. My marriage is ok, but not in line with the Word. I don’t know what to do. He is not abusive or anything negative. We both have financial problems and now live in different states. My body is always in pain. I pray and pray and pray. I have prayed for years now and no relieve. My faith is the size of a mustard seed. Sometimes I feel forsaken. I don’t even know where to start getting encouragement. I read the Word, but not getting any joy out of that like I use to. Pray for me. I keep praising and worshipping believing my break thru is close. Just need strength to endure.

    • Rosina permalink

      Start studying the Bible with some guidance, through a group like Bible Study Fellowship. They are all over the world and study the same book together. You can find them on the web. They study one book of the bible, this year they’ve been studying John. And if you stay with it, in the word everyday, God will grow your faith from that ‘mustard seed’ into a great fruit bearing tree ! I did it for 6 years and almost completed the full 7 years it takes to finish the whole BIble. The best part is that you share in small groups and pray for one another and hear the WORD so that your understanding will increase and bless you daily.
      There are groups for men and women, and there is usually a childrens program as well.May God richly bless you and bring you peace.

    • I recommend a book called ‘his needs her needs’ by Willard F Harley. It really helped me understand my husband.

    • Joe permalink

      Romans 15:4 For what so ever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Remember Job and his suffering. He had done no wrong. He was living perfect and upright according to GOD’S word at the time. You would have thought that because of the way he was living, he would have been shielded from the suffering he went through. The fact that he was perfect and upright, according to GOD’S word, was one of the very reasons that caused him to be chosen for this task. GOD wasn’t so concerned about proving anything to satan, for HE already knew that Job would pass the test. GOD wasconcerned about you, me, and others that would come along and find ourselves in a Job pedictment. I mean a time when we were going through and it seemed that there was no relief to be found. A time when it seemed like the Heavens had been shut up again from the cries of GOD’s people. Job had to endure the silence of Heaven; though he felt that this was indeed a time that he really needed to hear from GOD. May I humbly remind you that this road that we’re on requires us to walk by Faith. When we can’t hear anything, can’t see anything, when we don’t feel anything we must stand on the word of GOD. HE’S promised never to leave nor forsake us, HE promised that all things would work for our good, (even suffering N silence). Weeping may endure for a night, but job cometh in the morning. Just know, that you know, that you know, that GOD will come in the morning.—–your brother in CHRIST–Joe

      • Billie permalink

        Billie Hi Joe your comment was encouraging…. And this day we all need this !!

    • Donna Burchfield permalink

      I can totally relate to your situation and I was moved to share with you a book I read that really opened up my eyes to what the bible tells us about physical healing. The book is The Maker’s Diet by Jordan S. Rubin. When I picked it up I thought is was going to be hokey and just like the zillion other’s out there but right from the beginning the difference is evident. This book was written by a devoted Christian with a beautiful story who’s inspiration was purely what the word of God tells us about taking care of ourselves. It completely opened my eyes to God’s Word and presented it in a way I could understand. Please pray before you read it, for God to fill you with the knowlege that he has a plan for you. I am so thankful that I was lead to this book and it’s message. I will pray for your healing both physical and emotional. God Bless.

    • Saharai permalink

      Do not worry and if your faith is strong, there should be no feeling of aloofness with God.Read Luke 12: 22 – 34. Peace be with you.

    • ETTA permalink

      I am so sorry that your are discouraged. Don’t give up. Just keep on praying. Don’t go on feelings, go on faith. Let go and Let God work. the first thing in the morning when you wake up, thank God for giving you another day to live, thank him for the protection through the night. Ask him to go with you through the day, and walk with you, Ask him to give you a divine appointment to help someone every day or to witness too. You do this and your life will never be the same. Trust me God cares and he is waiting for you to respond to that love.

    • Patsy permalink

      My heart goes out to you and Pray that God will show you the way thru his word,
      and heal you of your pain.God grant it in Jesus name amen.

    • Jodi Margreiter permalink

      My prayers are with you and your spouse!!! Keep believing in the truth and word of God thru this son Jesus Christ!!!

  5. I am a single parent with a 23yr.old son and right now I am going through some dry season in financial matters. I tried everything to stop living money month end to month month end . Please pray to help me or show me that i am not alone. Its a very hard sometimes to cope with out standing bills and affairs. I lso trying to gain a life partner who I can share my like with, but that’s out of luck. Please pray for my family for god mercy and generosity on us.

    • Clement permalink

      Rosslynn-Life is like this for many. Alway’s tithe,seek only God and get in the Holy Spirt and consume yourself with Him. The devil will attack you in this area because he see’s you are weak. Many church’s will assist you in your situation. There is a answer and it is GOD. Stay focus on him and He will come through. Praise Him, Thank Him in your biggest trials!

  6. rose permalink

    i want to ask some question first i want to introduce im separated with 2 kids 50 yrs old been separated for 5 yrs without any support with my ex husband right now im asking why all this trials in my life happened to me and not only that my mother also with me im the one who taking care of her sometimes im so tired i dont know whats the planned of the lord.

    • I’ve been supporting my family since 1974. I was 18 then, just finished High School. Started by supporting my aged parents and siblings. Time passed, parents died. I’m still supporting my younger sibling (sister) and her four grown-up kids since she separated from her husband in 1990. She was a brilliant school student, but had to quit early. So she never had a job. At 53, I am still single, never new a lady, never had a GF. At first it seemed a burden, but now it is my God-given purpose in life. Our eldest niece is now a lawyer, the son is married, the younger daughters are in college. At times I suffered from great depression, but our Father has always held my hand and kept me going. He is my Strength, my Stronghold, my All. He is our FATHER. So, KNOW for a fact that His everlasting arms are beneath us. We will not fall or fail when we place our TRUST in Him.

      • Clement permalink

        Thomas, Praise God what a awesome testamony. I do not know if you realize this is one of your ministries. Greater is your reward. Stay stronge in the Lord because you are about to recieve a breakthrough!

  7. Ever since I started reading, what a challenge it has been, my anger is down, I laugh at everything more than I have ever. I am happy in the morning. I live day by day, I don’t worry about yesterday or tomorrow today. Actually, when something happens that upsets me, I look forward to midnight so I can forget it. I love God’s love for us and His ability to see through the storm. Just remember, God won’t bring anything to us that we can’t handle…

    • Sherrie permalink

      I agree! I don’t always get all the day’s reading in but what I do read brings me so much closer to God. Just getting some of the Word inside us each day has the power to change us for the better and thats what it’s doing for me as well. Blessed Assurance! What beautiful words. <

    • Yes and amen.

  8. Sara Sue permalink

    Just want to thank you for posting this. I am so enjoying this particular series as a way to read through the Word in this year. I continue to appreciate your efforts to get the Word out on the internet, Pastor Brown. Thank you.

  9. Annette permalink

    I went through a bad relationship and didn’t recover for 7 years. I asked myself over and over again what went wrong? The circumstances played over and over in my head and there were times I was suicidal. I didn’t want to carry on with living until I found Jesus! Thank you oh Lord for saving me!

  10. Lisa Fekete permalink

    Thank you for helping us to go deeper into God’s Word! I have always felt that everyone would do better living on this earth if they read the Instruction Manual…God’s Word! ( I need to be reminded of this daily, too!) I greatly enjoy your insight and study of God’s Word! Keep up the good work, and God bless you and your family!

  11. Darlene permalink

    Hello Mark. I thank God for you and your ministry. It has been refreshing to wake up to such an inspiration of God’s Word, every morning. God is so good to His children and wants nothing more then to bless us. So when I read the Comment sections and see all those seem at wits~end and dreaded hopeless feeling, wondering what is really going on. { Alerts me to to pray for God to have His way with them. They need to know and understand, that their lives and situations can change, but only IF God is allowed in the mist of it ALL. Not just here or there. But in ALL THINGS . Lord God, in name of You blessed Son, Jesus Christ, I pray and thank You, for hearing the cries of your people. I thank You for shining Your Love upon Your children, they need more of You Lord God. May each one recieve a divine visitation of the the Holy Spirit.. All in name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen.} When I wake up the mornings, or in the wee hours, I thank God for blessing me with His presence and again upon retiring. I don’t ever want to be without my Lord and Savior at my side. I love the old song ”Just A Closer Walk With Thee.” Mark I ask, God’s favor upon your person and ministry, to meet your need; to bless you, always with an open heart to recieve what He wants to give you, day by day.. Love, joy, peace, and healing is in His word today be with you, His faithful servant. Amen.. I sure hope and pray God’s people will stand up and fight the good fight of faith, for what belongs to them..You can do it PEOPLE !! I believing for you all, along with Rev. Mark.. God hears and will respond. May your soul be still and listen. Amen

    • Thank you Darlene, that message was an uplift for me and for many more…and yes…bro Mark is the reason for this season for all of us. I pray for all of you out there, especially you single ladies that God loves so much. That you will come through with grace and peace in your lives and in your young ones lives as well. God will be your guide, your first love, your Lord & Savior for life and into eternity with Him. And I ask for grace from God to pray for all of you, that you do keep up the pace of putting God first and taking all your burdens to Him alone! He is the only Way…He is the Truth…and He is our Life and light on this beautiful earth. Amen…love you all…Anna

  12. I look forward to this as I find the Bible so interesting. And I look forward to a more meaningful relationship with my Savior.

    Thank you so very much


  13. william lusk permalink

    do you have a soft copy of the Bible I am in Saudi Arabia and they don’t sell them here.

  14. Derek Alder permalink

    I am really enjoying reading your bloggs – some days they really apply sometimes not so much. I am trying to deepen my faith and grow closer to God receiving these mailings is one part of my growth journey. Sometimes though there are things I struggle with and questions I have – things I might not want to post on a public sight for all to see as I have got several members of my church to sign up to the sites I use – and I dont want everyone at church to know the things I struggle to understand. A friend said that I ought to ask you (Mark) about a question I am struggling with, I dont know if you are to busy to respond to an indiviual question – if you could please send me an email and maybe you could share your thoughts with me on the subject in question.

  15. Randi permalink

    Pastor Mark,
    I just want to thank you for today’s reflection (2/14/10). I really needed to read it! I have been out of work for 2 months now and feel very insigficant. I am looking for a job, but I am a teacher and there are no jobs around Northwest Ohio, USA. I have been praying for a job and to feel sigficant and through you, the Lord has showed me what I need to do! So thank you for being a faithful servant, you are helping more people than you will ever know!

    God Bless!

    Randi Carnahan

  16. Glen permalink


    You bless me en inspire me! May the God of Israel, Who neither slumbers nor sleeps, keep you en protect you and take you into a deeper and even more intimate relationship with Him… Stay blessed!!! Shalom

  17. suzan permalink

    are you from Jehova s witness

  18. yo yo yo wassup my homies?
    I would like to thank ya Mark for this Bible reading thing. Before this I didn’t know which part of the Bible to read each night! 😀 Thanks for taking the time to plan all the Bible reading stuff 😀

  19. phina permalink

    thank God i stumbled in on this great experience…. yahweh’s yarn in a year….. remain blessed

  20. Patricia Merrifield-Fulkman permalink

    I am looking forward to learning more and understanding more about the Bible.

    • May your reading, learning, understanding, the Bible lead you to a relationship with our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father.

  21. Joy permalink

    Wonderful words today. I have begun reading the Bible through in a year several times before and I like finding new approaches each time rather than Just beginnig to end. The first year I did read through the Bible, I caught onto a few things and each year I gathered a little more. Todays word after such a busy day yesterday and feeling so tired was right when I needed it and to remember in all things to look to God. Awesome job if you reach even one soul today I see you reached several.

  22. NAFTALI MUTAHI permalink


  23. How truly GREAT it was to find you on FB and then coming to this space! Our God is truly an awesome God and wonderful Father. May He continue to guide you into encouraging more and people into going deeper into God’s word and into an eternal relationship with the Eternal Spirit, the Creator of all things Who is our Father! God bless.

  24. Jackie permalink

    Every time you read the Bible you learn something new. The Bible is like a hidden treasure..the more you dig the more you learn and understand God’s word. There is no ending to his don’t deceive yourself into thinking you will know it won’t happen in your life time. We are here to learn his words and we will continue to learn until we pass.

  25. jean shinaberry permalink

    i love this cause i reAD HIS WORD DAILY

    • Arthur permalink

      SALUT…!!! Everyday is a blessing day for u.

  26. Marilyn permalink

    These daily reads keep us connected, which is important. Also, we are given a goal of one year and a will to complete maybe for the first time. God knows our desire to walk closer with Him, and He has said “seek and you will find.” This is a wonderful opportunity to stay on track with like minded people seeking God’s will for their lives. Let us also remember we are not to judge, we will learn at our own pace. Some here may be new babes and require mother’s milk. May God Bless us all for our desire to learn more.

  27. I found this and so glad.I just wanted to keep reading and reading.. Lot’s of wonderful things I read this am. I to want a deeper relationship, walk with the Lord and ask for all your prayers . Thank you so much in Jesus name amen

  28. Amanda Taliferro permalink

    I am really struggling at the moment as well and have been since the very end of 2005 when problems in my marriage began to manifest. I am since divorce but we were separated for a little over two years before the divorce was final. My life got turned upside down and its been a real struggle learning to love myself and getting my self esteem back. Everything meaningful in my life took a back seat to my lack of self worth. I am a minister and yet I allowed life circumstances to knock me totally down. But God never gave up on me and He put me in a position where I had great pastors that encouraged me and would not let me fall through the cracks even though I hid a lot of what I was going through. I am well on my way to getting my life back on track and keeping God first has become my top priority. I am getting stronger everyday and learning more and more how to depend on God to be my guide and supplier. Please pray for me as I take back control of my life from my emotions and the enemy.

    • Sherrie permalink

      Check out the book, The Lady, her Lover, and her Lord by Bishop T.D. Jakes. Bishop Jakes really knows how to relate to us women! About our self esteem, self worth, relationships….
      I did some research on him and he’s been so anointed to understand and relate to God’s daughters, I’m not very far into the book and already all I keep saying is wow, wow, this guy really sees women like God does! Youlve probably heard of him but research him, he has a lot of good books out there to help us ladies have the self-love and self-esteem God intended for us.
      I know some people think how can a minister have self-worth issues? The same is asked of me being a Christian but they don’t understand that we are still human and our self will’s always fight with our Spirit selves for control. We always rejoice in our Lord in our hearts, but we still have our battles so let me assure you that I’m keeping you in my prayers and would love to be friends so please e-mail me if you want to talk, pray, what ever!!!<

      • Sherrie permalink

        The earlier message is for Amanda by the way!:)

  29. Ramon Kalsic permalink

    I need counseling anticipating my mothers passing. Where in the scriptures can I find this help?? Please help.

    • ETTA permalink

      Hi Ramon. Know that God is with you and he will never forsake you. I lost my Father at 4 and my Mother at 50. It was hard to give them up but we have this blessed hope that we will see our loved ones again. read Rev 21 and 22. It has so much hope for us in the hereafter. Pray for strength each day, PRAY WITH YOUR MOTHER, HAVE YOUR PASTOR VISIT AND PRAY WITH YOU. REACH OUT TO OTHERS, THEY WILL REACH OUT TO YOU. READ YOUR BIBLE FOR COMFORT, KNOW THAT OTHERS ARE SUFFERING TOO. GOD WILL SEE YOU THROUGH. GOD BLESS

  30. At this point in my life, I know that the Word is all that can save me. I am struggling on every level of my life. I have prayed and cried out to the Lord to relieve me of some of this. I sometimes feel He does not hear me. I need the Lord to intervene on my behalf. I am loosing everything. Please pray for me and my household. Ask God to envelope me in His love and compassion. I can’t take anymore..I believe He honors His word.

  31. Mary Anne Mele permalink

    I am a 64 year old female from Chicago Heights, Illinois. I truly appreciate your work, and the time you take to keep up with this daily blog. It’s such a blessing, I’m sure not just for me, but for all.
    Thank you.

  32. I am i 27 year old male livin in small town alabama i have struggled with drugs alcohol and bad relationships i am at a point in my life where i am absolutely lost i chose 2 walk away from my faith but god has held on 2 me why i dont know i just really wanna live rite and become a great father and person before it 2 late keep me in your prayers

    • Debra permalink

      God’s love for us is so amazing to me. No matter where we find ourself in live, how far we have wavered God will always love us. I was saved at a young age, only to grow up and wander away. I experienced drug addiction, amoung many other things; but God let me know that after my church family, bilogical family and all had given up on me that he had not. He let my know that he was not afraid of my condition, the sin in my life, nor the situations that I had fallen into. Furthermore, I learned that he had power over all the circumstances, conditions,situations, and the sin in my in. When I learned how to give all these things and my self to him. He has brought my to a bless place that I could have never gotten to without him. His grace is enough to keep us. Trust him, believe him and don’t doubt he will deliver us by his power and his ability all we have to do is let him. Turn to God and turn away from all the negative forces in life and take him at his word, Amen. This was meant to encourage you. God Bless. I am someone that experience the lowly valley of sin, and drug addition. But to day I am changed by the power of God’s word and his spirit, Amen. And what he has done for others he will do for you and has however, trusst in his ability to keep you there is no failure in God. Be Bless of the LOrd always and forever, Amen. Nothing but a turn around in God no reverse.

  33. Karen Hoyle permalink

    I am from Fairfield, Iowa

  34. Sherrie permalink

    There is suffering here and my prayers go up for it but I have to say I am so uplifted by the faith people have here! I’t so good to hear people talking about FAITH and trusting in the Lord, there is so much strength and power in this Amen and Hallelujah!!!! Praise God! <

  35. Martha permalink

    I sit here and read and It’s amazing how things not inour plans can upset our program, then I think nothing is in our control it is the Love and Grace of God that controls all. We just have to acknowledge and let go of us. Over the past 4 years I’ve gone thur my brothers death, that made me mad because he was my security in taking care of my parents when things went wrong I could call him…Well God Love him more and called him..2 years later my hero My Daddy, I’ve been his shadow for 55 years and God wanted him more so I lost 40lbs in a couple of weeks my body feel apart and one day it was like he was talking to me and told me to get it together and be here for my mom and my children I’ve been the one to try and keep things together MOTHER everyone and anyone. well one year and 4 day of my dad’s death my son was killed and at that time I ask for God to please carry me and for the first time in my life I witness something that is so hard to explain but I felt him literly carry me, He gave me a joy above all other and a understanding that is above all. People say you will know well now I do know and I mean know just how good God is, if we all could experence that feeling what A Joy and Peace it is….I don’t know why I’m saying all this but I do know GOD IS GOOD AND HE IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. I PRAY THAT SOMETHING I’VE SAID WILL HELP SOMEBODY…IF WE ASK AND BELIEVE HE WILL PROVIDE…….Martha

    • Sherrie permalink

      Martha, praise God! I’m so thankful He carried you, with all you’ve been through. It is sometimes hard to put into words when God does something like that huh? But it happens and He is with you always! I pray you’re getting stronger than you were before! God continue to bless you and yours! <

  36. Janet HIll permalink

    I have a friend who is heavily involed with the opening of a new wireless business. She is worn to a frazell. Her anxiety attacks her beavily. Any negative feed right on. She is however a devoted christian and child of God. Satan just keeps coming around the corner. This morn when I opened todays verse here, I felt God was telling the both of us, it’s going to be o.k. and it’s o.k. to be able to rest in His arms. Please pray for my friend.

  37. T. Evans permalink

    Love this information. Remain blessed!

  38. Sheryl permalink

    Hello everyone;

    I thank God for the community of His people that stand firm in the faith and the belief upon Jesus Christ, as Saviour and Son of God.I thank God that you are soldiers committed tofight the good fight and to fulfill the purpose of God, especially by the internet. God works through our lives in so many ways, and His love is so endless. I know it because I feel it everyday. His forgiveness knows no end and His healing and love give us all the strength we need to overcome the forces of the enemy. My struggles don’t seem like struggles anymore, not when there are people like you guys out there spreading the Word with such love,faith and passion, just as Jesus taught us. As we spread the word, let us always remember to spread the works as well, because” by thy deeds they will know you”. He said, “where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be”, and this is what you guys provide here. We are in a virtual room, all of us praising the Lord and passing the word and works on. What an awesome forum, especially for those of us who find it difficult to meet face to face, for one reason or another. Let’s be champions for the Lord – praise, read, pray, listen and act; let the Holy Spirit be our guide always.
    May God in His infinite wisdomand love bless all of you and may you continue to make Him leader of your life. Amen

  39. Amelia permalink

    Thank you so much for you email’s Yes I need prayers
    Please keep me and my family in Prayers in Jesus name . I will fast and pray for all as well .

  40. Dusty permalink

    There are plenty of good movies that do not have swearing, violence, sex etc… I have lots of Christian movies, and, whatever happened to just turning off the tube, not going to these movies and just reading and studying the Bible. Or, hey, what about family time together or taking the kids/grandkids out and teaching them about trees and such or just playing with them. The reason our forefathers were great men as due to the fact that they ruled their own lives and didn’t let the world rule them.

  41. Carlos Silva permalink

    I’m excited to make this commitment. Please keep challenging me because I am a very competative person and I truly believe in winning. I’m afraid that I do not know the word fail. But isn’t funny how many times I have failed, yet I believe GOD has never failed me yet I get up to honor him and keep on fighting through all my own struggles to keep him first?
    Thanks again for this and May God keep you all safe within this journey. I love you all and hope to see you all in the end…

  42. David Herman permalink

    thank you sooo much. this will definitely be useful to me with growing in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and my relationship with Him.

  43. Randy permalink

    it’s recommended

  44. Lisa permalink

    would like to read the Bible in a year & understand the meaning of the readings..

  45. Peter permalink

    Am a 7th day church of God believer. This is a commendable work…cudos!!!But my question is,why do we study the bible? why do we search for will of God? Presumably is Get the eternal life & enjoy his kingdom…If so, which are the conditions? From my conception, it’s only those who obey his commands without despicing any shall achieve it. My main theme & gospel is’OBEY THE SABBATH DAY AND KEEP IT HOLY’Our Creator did it,His son did,his holy prophets same and disciples weren’t left behind,why why do we tend to believe it as not important? Our saviour said we follo his steps if we realy want to see His kingdom…NICE TIME AND TAKE COUTION FOR THE TIME IS NEAR…REV.1:3

  46. Rose permalink

    Thank you so much for all of your wisdom, understanding, and love. i am so glad you wrote back to me. I am very heartbroken, Teri. It’s like I lost the other half of me. I have forgiven him, but I have so much anger inside right now, because of the women he is exposing my thirteen year old son to. I ask Jesus to remove the anger, because I dont like feeling angry. I have a church that I go to, but I have been let down Teri. I have called my Pastor 3 times and he doesn’t return my phone calls now. I appreciate all of your spiritual guidance…..I truly needed that. I just want to be whole again Teri. I know that God placed you in my life for a reason and I am willing to do what He wants me to do. Oh to just be a happy woman again is priceless.

    • Teri permalink

      I have found there are times when we must forgive 70×7, when we must just keep forgiving! Keep forgiving your ex and keep praying for your son – that God will protect his heart and help him to see His truths in all this. Our God is mighty and full of love and compassion for both you and your son. He is able.

      Do you have any friends at your church? Try to get to know some people in your church so that you can support each other through the trials of life. Are you maybe in a homegroup? Don’t worry about your Pastor – maybe he has no counselling gift and doesn’t know how to help you. Seek a Christian counsellor – if not at your church then at another church. I have had lots of prayer and ministry and I believe that God has helped me much through this. Also, through having Christian friends who can love and support you through the difficult times. At first it was difficult to get to know some of the people in my church, but now the Lord has opened this up more and I don’t feel lonely at church anymore! That’s where a homegroup can be a real blessing, too.

      Hang in there, Rose, and keep seeking till you get the help you need. The Lord will see you through all of this, and you will be triumphant in Him!

      • Rose permalink

        Thank you so very much Teri. I feel that you have allowed God to use you mightily! Thank you for reminding me to forgive 70 x 7, that was a word from God! I will continue to forgive my ex husband and pray for my son. I’ve made several friends at church, but it is difficult for me to talk to them about what is going on in my life. When I talked to them before, they gave me the impression that I should have been over my ex husband a long time ago. I was with him for almost 20yrs! That is a long time to wake up to someone in the mornings and to start offf each day. I feel that during a divorce we go through a grieving process. People mourn in different ways.

        My Pastor hurt me when he did not return my phone calls. He used to return my calls at one point. So, I am praying for him as well. I will not forget what you have shared with me and I will utilize all the encouraging actions you have given me. I thank God for you, Teri. It’s like you so lovingly extended your hand and grasped mine to keep me from falling. The love that you have shown is the type of love that God wants us to bestow upon our sisters and brothers. Thank you for grasping my hand and giving me such sound advice. I do have a christian counselor and she has been a tremendous help. I feel that she wants me to stop focusing on my ex so much and to God be the glory, one day soon I will do that. I feel that God is mending my broken heart. I feel His presence in my life. You have me thinking in a different direction and that is seeking my healing. I need to be totally and completely healed. Did it take you a long time to get over your divorce, Teri?

      • Teri permalink

        It is my pleasure, Rose.

        In some ways I am still getting over my divorce. Sometimes something will happen that will flare up a vulnerable area and I have to forgive my ex again! And ask for the Lord’s healing. 🙂 But, most of the time, I just concentrate on seeking the Lord and seeing to my children. I also always look forward to church and mid-week homegroup, and invite friends over or meet them. And I try to look for opportunities to help others. So, I have built myself a new life, in the grace of God. All glory to Him! He is so good to us!

        Some promises I have regularly held onto through all this are:
        ‘God works all things together for good for me.’ (Rom. 8:28)
        ‘God has good plans for me, plans to prosper me …’ (Jeremiah 29:11)

        Blessings to you Rose. May you be uplifted in Him and set free to serve Him!
        (big hugs)

      • Teri permalink

        Sori forgot some bits! 😀

        I agree, Rose, that you are going through a grieving process. And we all grieve in different ways. (Don’t forget the blessing of keeping busy though – this one has helped me a lot! It helped me to not get stuck in my grief and become immobilized.)

        I think it’ll still be great to keep in touch with your friends, but I do pray you will meet a friend with whom you can share your deepest feelings, and she will just let you express it all. However, what a blessing to have a great counsellor, where you can do this very thing! Do you meet with your counsellor every week? It would be great for you to have that weekly time to express all your feelings and talk through issues that you face. 🙂

        Bless you, Rose!

      • Rose permalink

        @Teri Teri, please forgive me for not writing back sooner. I sunk back into depression and lost my motivation, Depression is a serious illness and it wreaks havoc on your health. I am on medication and my Dr just increased it, so I pray it makes a difference. Unlike you my dear friend, I did get stuck and allowed everything to immobilize me. Teri, I couldnt do much of anything for years. God is bringing me out as we speak. It just began to happen recently and I praise God for it. I do have a christian counselor, Praise God. She helps me a great deal. I’m sure I would be in worst shape if I didnt talk to her. I see her every 2 wks. My ex is still mentally, emotionally and verbally abusing me. My son has made him his top role model (please pray about that one!) and he abuses me in the same way . I just had him for 2 wks. and Teri he put me through it. He was so abusive the entire time. Please continue to pray……I am being abused by 2 people and it is excrutiating, My son has gotten physically abusive with me in the past, Teri. I’ve just gone through so much that I feel so sad. Thank you so much for praying that God would place a woman in my life to talk to. He has already blessed me with you, precious. I thank God for you. Your loving, caring, understanding, praying, and advice have helped me tremendously. You have made me feel that I DO matter. God bless you, Teri!

      • Teri permalink

        I’m sorry to hear that you have fallen back into depression. I suspect that the two weeks with your son set it off! It is difficult to be in this situation. Next time you have him come to stay (if you decide to do so!), is there a way you can not allow him to abuse you? If necessary, by sending him back early? You really don’t need to be abused by your son as well!! There are times where we must take action and not allow abuse – especially in our own homes. The Lord certainly doesn’t want you to be continually exposed to this abuse. No wonder you fell back into depression! I would, too!

        I do feel for you, Rose. I know just what it is like to be emotionally, mentally and verbally abused. My ex was just like that. I am so glad not to be living in that situation anymore! However, my ex has developed a new way to be abusive to me and that is to put me down to our children when they visit with him! Then, of course, they come and tell me. And it really hurts! I am blessed in one way though that I’m grateful for: my kids don’t get to see their dad that much. So, this situation is spasmodic (the put downs of me). It is sad, though, isn’t it, that men like this have nothing better to do but still be putting down their ex wives! They must have incredibly low self esteem!

        I trust that God will strengthen you mightily and continually as you must forgive your ex, and your son, again and again. Our God is able! And willing!

        And, yes, you DO matter, Rose! God loves you so much and He really does have good plans for you. I know He will turn all this trial you are under to good. Just like Joseph, son of Jacob in the Old Testament. His brothers mistreated him terribly, and he was abused further after that for many years – but God turned it all around for good to bless Joseph and many others (including his abusive brothers)! Amen, and praise the Lord!

        Maybe the best way you can fight for your son right now is to be in prayer often for him? Spiritual warfare! God can turn this young man’s life around, help him see the truth of the way he has been behaving and bring him to repentance! May this indeed happen. And may he love his father but, at the same time, see him clearly for what he is. To see clearly that the way his dad is behaving is wrong.

        May God bless and help our ex’s to find Him and may He turn their lives around also. To lives that will honour God. And may we, too, honour God even though in trials, by the way we react and by the actions we take! May His Name be praised forever! Amen!

      • Rose permalink

        @Teri Hey Teri…..once again God has used you to minister to me. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. Now I know for a FACT that God meant for our paths to cross! He is so awesome! I know I’m being prayed for, because I feel better. I have just gone through and continue to go through so much stuff with that man. It is like he has lost his conscience. He turned my son against me Teri. If I told you some of the things that child has said and done you wouldn’t believe it. God sees how I suffer, God sees how I go without things that I need, God sees that broken heart so I know He is going to turn my life around to the good! It has been so difficult to forgive 70 x 7 Sis, but yet God gives me the strength to do it. I could not do it on my own. Ive always been told that we reap what we sow, so never feel that people who mistreat you are able to do so, then get off the hook so to speak. I read your messages again this week. They are still helping me! You have been given an anointing to reach people. That is a gift. Everyone does not have the ability to reach others with such wonderful effects and success! My sister, I will pray for you as you pray for me. Together we are going to experience some type of phenomenal breakthrough! I receive that, because I feel so strongly about and believe it, in the name of Jesus! Oh Teri, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning! I am declaring and receiving my joyous morning in the name of Jesus! I love you Teri….I truly do! May God bless you!

      • Rose permalink

        @Teri Teri I fogot to tell you that I will continue to pray for my son and realize that we are in spiritual warfare! I know that God is going to touch our exs’ hearts and convict their spirits for the shameful way they have abused us and also for speaking badly (lies) to our children about us. God is going to hold them accountable for their actions. He said He would make us the head and not the tail! He said no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and that He would make our enemies our footstools! I receive it today Teri! I believe it therfore I shall receive it! Praise God!

      • Teri permalink

        Yes, Rose, let’s be praying for each other! It says in the Bible to be in constant prayer, and what is better than to pray for one another? 🙂

        Thanks, too, Rose for sharing that God has been using me to help you. This is very encouraging as God has just recently revealed to me that He is going to use me in Women’s Ministry! So encouraging to see that He is already working through me. 😀

        Are you on Facebook, Rose? We are taking up a lot of space on this page and I thought maybe we should keep in touch by another way!

        Here is a Proclamation written by Derek Prince that has a blessing to me and I speak it out loud every day: (Proclamation For God’s Protection)

        NO WEAPON that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue which rises against me in judgment I do condemn. This is my heritage as a servant of the Lord and my righteousness is from You, O Lord of Hosts. If there are those who have been speaking or praying against me, or seeking to harm me, or who have rejected me, I forgive them. Having forgiven them, I bless them in the name of the Lord.
        NOW I DECLARE, O Lord, that You and You alone are my God, and besides You there is no other; a just God and a Saviour; the Father, the Son and the Spirit and I worship You!
        I SUBMIT myself afresh to You in unreserved obedience. Having submitted to You, Lord, I do as Your Word directs. I resist the devil: all his pressures, his attacks, his deceptions and every instrument or agent he would seek to use against me. I do not submit! I resist him, drive him from me and exclude him from me in the name of Jesus. Specifically, I resist and repel infirmity, pain, infection, inflammation, malignancies, allergies, viruses, and every form of witchcraft and every type of stress.
        FINALLY, LORD, I thank You that through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, I have passed out from under the curse and entered into the blessing of Abraham whom You blessed in all things: exaltation, health, reproductiveness, prosperity, victory, God’s favour and God’s friendship. Amen.

        May the Lord continue to strengthen and uplift you, Rose! Blessings to you this day!

      • Rose permalink

        @Teri I looked for you on FB, but under your name there was one woman, but her profile didn’t mention location.

    • Rose permalink

      @Teri Yes….I have FB, I agree with you 100%. You are welcome Teri, I discerned in my spirit that you had an anointment on you, remember?? You are perfect for Ladies Ministries, because you most certainly have helped me out a great deal. I will remember 7X70 and praying for my ex and my son. God bless you Teri for helping me to feel better about myself. I believe and receive all that you have ministered to me. I love you Sis!

      • Teri permalink

        You can find me on Facebook as Teresa Jones, New Zealand. 🙂

      • Teri permalink

        My one is the one that doesn’t have a picture but has an image with these words on it:
        ‘What is impossible with men is possible with God.’

        Hope that helps! 😀

      • Teri permalink

        Try again Rose. I have managed (i think!) to put in my country so should show up in search. Try: Teresa Jones, Hamilton, New Zealand. 😀

  47. Winnie permalink

    I would love to read and understand Gods word perfectly inorder to live according to His will.May God bless you n expand your territories.

  48. michelle permalink

    My family of five was baptized this past october. The other four in my family are not in complete understanding of the commitment they have undertaken. I am new to my faith, walk and it has been an extreme challenge trying to pray the chaos away. there are many days while singing the lords praises that tears will fall because i know that my understanding is much different from theirs. I continue to plead the blood over my family and house. please pray for my family to be in accordance with each other and with God. I have made the commitment to have a cheerful heart but I still cry when no ones looking except the father. Thank you for this post today it is hitting home for me. I know that in order for me to do what hes planned for me on the large scale i need his help to get my house in order first.

  49. I need prayer for some legal matter in what i am going through , that god be the judge and not the judge appointed. I have alot of financial crisis at this time and would like for god to help me sort my priorities with me. I would like for god to direct me down the right paths of life and to me back on track. I have been down many roads and I have hit a dead end PLEASE PRAY for me and my family that we can stay above all others in our faith and beliefs. Thanks and God Bless !

  50. Hello Mark, I have just received the new believers package from Pastor Greg Lorrie. I like the Bible, I pray just about every second of the day. i couldnt spell practicaly. Iam a struggling alco/addict. my life is full of nothing at this moment. Ihavn.t been to church or prayer meeting for 2 weeks. Some man there likes me and its turning me off.Infact they all are y dont they mind there own business. ive done nothing wrong and i dont like what their saying about me! God Bless You love Dianaxoxoxo

  51. Liz permalink

    This is great! I always wanted to do this! do I start on the 13th?

  52. Patty permalink

    I want to continue to get closer and closer to God. I try to stay in His word daily. I love the Yahweh’s Yarn in a year. Thank you Mark Brown

  53. What week are we on? The calendar shows we are in week 37 of 52, but we are asked to be reading from Psalm 96-98 today which is from week 33. I posted this question a couple days ago, but now it seems to be gone.

  54. Oroguncha permalink

    God meet us at the very point of our needs as He is forever faithful!

  55. olumide Akinola permalink

    Dear Sir
    I am a practicing xtian, and i feel i have been picked on so many times in my life, i see unbelievers exshauted and move up in life, i have lost everything that made sence in my life, i get provoked allthe time i try everyday to serve God and read the bible and serve my God as a xtian , the people i love the most are those that constantly hurt me , whenever i try to make a decision i am always called a betrayal , because those that will really help me are called the gentiles as they don’t come from the same background as me, however those that i trust have betrayed me and and handed me to poverty , lied , cheated and done alot to confuse my understanding of love plus , i try to be friendly all the time and my friendliness as be en taken for granted or misunderstood for weekness, please i am fed up , i am always seen as aggressive person because i do not want want to do certain things , besides i have never been happy since my seperation from my children and i am trying to move on , but when i attempt to move , it is seen as if i want to move on to commit sexual immorality, financially things are difficult and i have heart ache to add , what shall i do as a xtian , without upsetting anyone and having a meaninful joyous life.

  56. We will never read Yahoveh’s word in a year with understanding. We need to look up words in the greek and hebrew like you did. I teach the bible in about five or so years with understanding. Most the world is decieved by not understanding what our Father has said.

  57. Sherrie permalink

    I don’t think pastor Brock was saying “give up” he was just saying he doesn’t think people can get the “understanding” of what they are reading without the in-depth study it takes to do so. I, for one do read as much of the scriptures posted as I can. I fall behind too but its not for lack of trying. Sometimes I get so into something I’m reading I just keep going there for a while! The focus is to get people reading the Bible, even if it’s a little each day. Thats the most important thing here I think. I believe there is a message for us all, even if we’re reading different chapters than the next person. Some just read at a different pace than others and I think God understands that. He knows our hearts and our intentions and I think He looks on that more than how we’re reading, wether so many chapters a day or a couple verses. I’m just saying I don’t think there’s any right or wrong way to read the Bible as long as we’re READING it 🙂

  58. Sherrie permalink

    For Judy Cook

    I like the way you explained everything in your post. 🙂

  59. Sherrie permalink

    I have to say that I need to read slower to get understanding as well. I’ve tried hard to keep up with the Bible readings but I, too find myself trying to get throug the readings but not really getting what I’m reading about. The only way I get understanding is by reading the chapters slowly. It can take my a good 2-3 days to read a chapter and I’d rather do it this way. Maybe many others can do the readings in a day and understand it all and thats awesome for them but for me, I have to go slower to absorb what God is trying to tell me in His word.

  60. Judy Cook permalink

    I agree, reading the word in a year does NOT ‘teach’ the Bible, per-se. It is to read the word in a year….This is to combine with the ‘studying’ of God’s word at other times of the day. If we really got into God’s word as we should, we can do both without a problem…I don’t think anyone would truely expect that EVERYTHING we read during the ‘through the Bible in a year’ commitment includes absorbing all we read…I take notes about the subjects in which I want to delve further at another time. Works for me.

  61. Karen permalink

    I am surprised by your negativity, Pastor Brock. Of course one does not read the entire Word, at one time, and totally understand it. Understanding comes by Faith, Faith by DOING … as in this case, READING/STUDYING the Word. I personally have engaged in these one year Bible studies, reading through the Bible in one year, and I have to say, that for the past 4 years, though I may not KNOW or UNDERSTAND all, what I HAVE determined, is exactly just how GREAT, how LOVING, how MERCIFUL and how PATIENT our God truly is. I have read certain passages many time through the years, and have found things that I did not notice before, but that is because my Faith is much more mature now that it was say 20 or 30 years ago! God WANTS us to read and study His Word, for by doing so, we come to KNOW HIM, and it is by this knowing that we develop a RELATIONSHIP with Him, and we come to a deeper understanding of what He did for us through Christ, AND THAT IS WHAT HE WANTS!! Unfortunately, our world is deceived because of attitudes such as yours … which encourage people to give up before they even try, and that my brother, is wrong.

  62. doinks permalink

    Yahweh’s Yarn is a two thumbs up for me! God Bless us all 😉

  63. Debra permalink

    Hi Everyone,
    There is something Pastor Brock forgot to say and that is that real revelation of the word of God comes fom God. I have the Bible dictionary that translate both the Greek and the Hebrew so I do not disagree with him in that. However, I also consult the Lord and the spirit of true for an revelation beyond man ability to give outside of Communicating with God. Be wise and study for yourself because I have heard man say that the bible contradict itself however, I assure you by the Holy Spirit of God has said that it does not. GOd will answer question about the word he has inspired there are no mistakes in his word or the revelation of his spirit that connected his inspired word to man.

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