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Christ understands pain

July 4, 2010

‘Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Check out my reflection by clicking on the play button below..

God bless!


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Yahweh’s Yarn in a Year : 1 year Bible reading plan

The portion for today is: 2 Kings 1-5; Psalm 78-80
To access the complete plan for the year click here: click

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  1. helenpenner permalink

    Wow, thru this blog I have grown so much in my walk, and feel Gods presence in my life, putting people in my pathway, and I have not been praying near as much as I should, my brain has been so scattered in the past 2 months but I feel like my spirit is praying for me! Its amazing, I feel like in a deep valley and yet at momments I’m flying high from love from our awesome God! This blog has made a world of difference in my life, met so many great friends, feel inspired on a regular basis! God is Letting himself be seen and known a lot! Thanx Brother Mark, God Bless you and your family:)

    • Brian permalink

      The Bible says that(The Spirit) prays for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. (thats not an exact quote)

  2. Kay permalink

    An eye opening passage today. I came to realize that the isolation, struggle and pain i feel was felt by Jesus in his lifetime on earth. i long to find peace in His loving care but somehow peace eludes me. i pray and pray short prayers like God help me, God be with me, God watch over me….but the inner turbulence i feel cannot go away. I cannot take the isolation any more: why did my husband leave me ? the pain of rejection, the struggle to carry on alone. Life is lonely. i long for Jesus to accept me and give me some leace and rest as i am so tired , so very very tired.

    • Kathy permalink

      Kay, I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I’m going to say it again. Get into a Bible-believing, Spirit-filled protestant church and start connecting with people. For that matter, get acquainted with your neighbors. Get a friend that you can hang out with. Do you have any family around? Any kids? Unless you live in Antartica, there must be someone you can connect with. DON’T BE ALONE! You say you long for Jesus to accept you. He does! He accepts all of us, as we are! Jesus has such a high opinion of you, and you obviously have such a low opinion of yourself. You are, in effect, calling Him a liar, because He said you are worth dying for, and you are saying, “I’m worthless.”

      Lots of spouses leave their mates for various reasons. It hurts, but we have to go on. Don’t keep looking backward. You can’t change the past. Look forward and press on. Where do you live, anyway?

  3. Kay permalink

    Indeed a very soothing passage. It calms my fears of which i have many.

  4. Steve Gill permalink

    Dearest Mark….

    I feel the pain of so many people on this earth because as I draw closer to Christ…. well…. this is very natural because of what you have just shared. We are so fortunate in our country (US) and yet…. because of our independence, we have strayed as a country away from our God. I am so thankful that I was so lost…. so that I could be found and today I pray that those that think that there independence is some “Glorifying of Country” can wake out of there slumber to learn that our wonderful independence is a way for us to show our Dependence on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Father in Heaven. The pain and struggle we all go through every day is nothing compared to the pain and struggle that we would go through if we spent eternity in hell. I pray for my country and yours today Mark. That our countries can feel that this passage means that we must Follow into the uncomfortable day to day walk with the Pruner and Shaper of Righteousness. Let us all learn to let God do His work in us….. so that as he shapes us through these struggles, we can play a role in winning souls for Him. God Bless you Mark. I am your brother. Thank God for that.

  5. livingfree7 permalink

    Another remarkable post! I love the passage you chose! I wanted to give the same verses in The Message “translation.” It uses some words that stress the point of these verses especially well.

    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” – Matthew 11:28-30

  6. Kyle permalink

    Thanks so much for you’re time and to be able to share this with me and everone else. This is one of my favorate bible verses. and again thank you so much for sharing this.
    God bless

  7. Therina permalink

    Praise God for being human and knowing how it feels to be weary, sad and lonely! Thank you Lord Jesus for walking with me and showing me the way I must go. Thank you for healing my son from his heroin addiction and not giving up on mankind!

  8. 1 Corinthians 9:23
    I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

    God Bless You Mark for your amazing ministry ! God has blessed you abundantly.
    We have a small personal prayer ministry on Facebook, that needs your help to grow, so we can Glorify Yeshua Hamachia and pray in earnest for their needs.
    We try very hard to answer all prayer requests with a personal follow up, because God has called us to do so.
    Would you help us by posting a link to our Prayer Ministry page on your Facebook page, the bible?
    God will bless you for your support in helping us to spreading our ministry so we can pray for more peoples needs, as God has commanded us to do.
    The link is

    God Bless You and thank you for your wonderfully anointed ministry !

    Christian Sika

  9. Kay permalink

    KATHY……i live in Malta. Island in the mediterranean. Yes i understand what you are telling me. It is not easy to start out making friends especially in summer when everyone is away or away at the beach. But i will try. i have since made friends with a neighbour and we meet sometimes in the evenings to read the bible and talk about things. Yes i must try and make friends and get used to living alone. thank you Kathy for your advice. Much appreciated. Keep getting at me to do things!!!

    • Kathy permalink

      Wow! Malta! Really? I never would have guessed that! The island where Paul was shipwrecked! That’s cool! I’m sure it’s really beautiful there! Are you Italian or what? I’m not trying to be nosey; I’m just curious. Have you lived there all your life? So, maybe you don’t have many church choices besides Catholic. I hope my previous comment didn’t sound too harsh. I didn’t mean it to be. I live in Indiana, in the United States. I’m surrounded by many people and all kinds of churches everywhere. I’ve been wondering what your situation/location was. It’s nice to talk to people on the other side of the planet. : )

  10. Stefanie permalink

    I have really been enjoying your iGoogle app and the videos I can access each morning. Thank you for your ministry!

  11. Jenny permalink

    I love this lesson, but I have so many doubts. I know God is always with me. I know that Jesus suffered rejection, sadness, lonliness. I know that he understands, because he was despised and rejected by men. I can’t get past the fact that He’s God and I’m not. If you are God and you can do ANYTHING, then facing hardship and rejection has got to be easy. I asked Jesus for comfort, but find none. All I find is more rejection and more lonliness. As for the advice of going to a Bible believing church — I thought that would be the answer. What I found is more rejection. I had one lady say to me, “I have so many friends already. I don’t have time for anymore friends.” I’m so broken down by all the rejection. I try to pray, but all that comes out is tears and Dear God please help me.

    • Steve Gill permalink

      Jenny…. Please take this note as an invitation for you to accept my invitation to become my New Sister. I feel the pain of which you speak and I just want you to know that I will not deny you friendship. I will intercede on your behalf. I will pray for you as if we had been friends for a whole temporary lifetime…. and if you ever need a friend who will never judge you and will love you as a brother unconditionally…. I am here. God Bless You!!!

    • Kathy permalink

      Ouch!! How horrible! Remarks like that lady’s break the heart of Jesus! Not all churches are like that, and not all Christians are like that – true Christians. You have friends here, Jenny.

  12. Kay permalink

    KATHY i am Maltese and have lived in Malta all my life. i have travelled a bit but never to yout side of the planet. We have Catholic churches mainly here, but also an anglican church and a greek one. It is very hot at the moment here.

    • Kathy permalink

      It’s hot here, too, but that’s normal for summer. I wish you had more church choices. Have you visited any of them? Did you grow up attending a church?

  13. Rosie permalink

    Thank you for all you kind words. It is so encouraging to get on this page when i am feeling down or just less, and be encouraged by christians who are going through the same struggles as i am. The truth is so Awesome, and sometimes i need to just be reminded. Thank you all who pour your hearts out on here!

  14. Kay permalink

    KATHY i grew up in the Catholic church and attended a convent school . But i still feel there is something missimg in my Religion and in my life. the God we were taught about was a God of fear …..hell was too real for every little offence and confesssion a trial having to go to another human being ..a priest. so i stopped going. Now i am trying to find myself again. But i dont want to believe in a God of fear.

  15. lucy ng permalink

    ……the burden i give you is light.
    I have always felt a big cross on my shoulder.Nevertheless i also realise that our Lord does see me through in all my situations!!!I have learnt that i cannot deal by myself alone if i had not offer up all my pains to HIM afterall HIS words i will hold on !!!

  16. Jenny permalink

    Kathy, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to break Jesus’ heart. 😦 I love God! I truly do and I guess I’m not expressing myself right. I guess sometimes I just don’t understand people and I don’t understand the modern church. I don’t understand “corporate” worship. I don’t understand all the programs that keep us busy, but so busy that we have no time for each other. I won’t say anymore, because I don’t want to hear that I’m breaking Jesus’ heart. I thought that God welcomed honest heart-felt questions and wonderings about what’s on our minds.

    Steve, thank you for your friendship! That’s very sweet of you. 🙂

  17. Steve Gill permalink

    Jenny….no problem. We have all gone through these wonderings as we have grown in Christ. The church (Building with people) does not qualify itself by being so just by opening it’s doors and putting Bibles in pews. It truly is part of the body ONLY when it allows all people to worship him openly and honestly. Seek God with all your heart and let the Lord show you all your new friends because I am in agreement with Kathy on the fact that this was just one situation and others are just around the corner. If you REALLY want some Christians to come into your life, just have faith and pray…. and you will be blown away by what the Lord will do. I have friends that I would have hated (before Christ saved me) and they are from all walks of life. Anyway, I will continue to pray for your situation. Remember the Christ makes everything new…. including Friendships. Have a fun day today. God made it for you.

    • Jenny permalink

      Thanks, Steve. “Remember that Christ makes everything new…. including Friendships” is just what I needed to hear today. I’ve been holding onto the past, including friendships even though these people are no longer in my life. They were bad-for-me friendships, but I keep remembering “at least you had friends, even though they were bad for you and against you moving forward or prospering”. I’m afraid to have hope in finding true and good friends, because I’ve been such a failure in the past. Thanks for listening. Again, I’m sorry for coming across that I wanted to break Jesus’ heart. My heart is breaking and I’m so fearful that what I’m feeling comes out in my words. Have a good day, too!

      • Kathy permalink

        Oh, Jenny! I’m glad I came back to this, and I hope you see this. When I said it breaks Jesus’ heart, I didn’t mean you! I meant the remark that church lady made to you when she said she already had enough friends and didn’t need any more. That’s so sad! People in my church would not do that to you. Don’t give up!

      • Jenny permalink

        Hi Kathy, Thanks for replying again. I did take what you said wrong and I’m happy that you clarified yourself. 🙂 I know that email/internet/writing isn’t always so clear and it’s easy to interpret things wrong. Thank you for the encouragement. I know that I need to make Jesus my best friend first and put Him first. It’s just so hard as it would be so nice to have some close girlfriends too. Thank you again. 🙂

  18. Steve Gill permalink

    When David wrote Psalms he opened up to the Lord with many words of Frustration and Pain. Of course He worshiped him too. Job could not understand why God was not there for him. But Job did not give up believing that God would rescue him. The one thing I’ve realized through my trials and tribulations is that God knows what I need more than I do. Even though I’m going through terrible “earthly things”…. most of why I’m going through it is so that God can “prune” me and make me what He knows I should become to draw closer to Him. He’s preparing us for our eternal life. Jenny, if you aren’t saying how you feel…. how is God going to answer your frustrations using a messanger on earth. You did the right thing…. and so did Kathy. She wanted you to know that she was not one of those people that discouraged you. We need to ALL be more transparent. God will shine through us that way. You have a good day too. Go now and do the things that He’s given to you. Love your God with all your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. Spread the gospel.

    • Jenny permalink

      Thanks, Steve. You made me smile and feel better. Thanks for being an “earthly messenger”. 🙂 It’s funny and sad in a way that I feel “safer” talking with strangers then people that I know in real life. I’m always afraid that people will talk behind my back or tell my secrets/struggles. It’s hard to find people that don’t like to gossip. The Internet has been a blessing in regards to this. Thanks again!

  19. Right now me and family is going through so much. We are having money problem. I pray every day we don’t lose my house .I have 4children and they are use to having thing .going on vacation every summer. My husband and I own a store. It not doing so well right now. I’m a private duty nurse. My patient just past away. So I decided to take classes that going to help me get my own Assisted Living. I will be taking care of sick people .The name of my Assisted Living will be Bless Hand. we need the money so bad .I ready to go to back to work.and put my business a side. I don’t want to because god know I been wanted this for so long. So can my praying brother and sister keep me and my family in prayer. Please I’m tied of being stressed and sad .I want to be happy again. I say to myself God is not going to give me want I can’t handle and he going to come when he ready but, I know prayer work.

    • Steve Gill permalink

      Yogi….God is with you. Two years ago we lost our house…. and we’ve been fine. Our children have grown up these last few years to know that Money doesn’t grow on trees. My wife and I have drawn closer to each other as we’ve learned to love each other in our hardship. God has given us money every time we desperately needed it. Have Faith Yogi. He will come to you in your time of need and give you exactly what you need. No more…. no less. He teaching us all to live with less. Our treasures are stored up for us my friend.

  20. MARILYN TURNER permalink


  21. Kayla Huddleston permalink

    Wow, I praise the Lord for this insight! I had not viewed these reflections for a few days, so I was scrolling through my email inbox and thought I should watch this one. The Lord was guiding me for sure because I definitely needed this encouragement today, especially with the things that have been happening in my life. Praise the Lord for His care and goodness!!

  22. Kay permalink

    JENNY you have a friend here…..please feel the people here are so well meaning. Yes i agree with you as i have the same problem in having real flesh and blood friends…..

    • Jenny permalink

      Hi Kay,

      Thanks for your reply and you have a friend here, too. It’s nice to be here and it’s nice to have friends even if it’s in a virtual/internet world. 🙂 I don’t know why it’s so tough to meet flesh and blood friends. People are everywhere, but I can’t seem to connect on that level. 😦 The Lord gave me this verse a few weeks ago — “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not WANT”. I WANT friends. It’s the one thing in my life that really brings me down; brings me to tears. I know that I need to WANT the Shepherd more then the friends.

  23. Kay permalink

    JENNY if you want to mail me my e mail is ….
    I will be glad to hear from a friend. i too cannot seem to fine real friends, although here i have made some good ones. i wish to want God more but i crave flesh and blood people. It might be wrong of me and that is why my prayers have not been answered.

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