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I am incomplete without the cross

April 2, 2010

And when they came to a place called Golgotha (which means Place of a Skull), they offered him wine to drink, mixed with gall, but when he tasted it, he would not drink it. And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land… until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli,lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. Mat 27: 33-35,45,46.50

Jesus Christ died on the cross for me.


I know I am a sinner, I know that I despirately need the forgiveness that comes through the death of Christ on the cross, I realise fully that I need to embrace the reality of the cross in my life on a daily basis.  In fact it has become for me an essential part of my day, to sit down and pause, to bring to mind my sin and to hand it over to Jesus.  My aim isn’t to bash myself or put myself down, but to fully accept the freely given gift of forgiveness that washes me clean every time!

It is only in realising my sin and admitting it to God that I can fully realise how weak I am and how much I need Jesus.

I now realise that I am incomplete without Jesus.

So Good Friday, when I recall Jesus’ death on the cross is for me about being reminded that I am not complete, that completeness is to be found at the foot of the cross, in being reliant on Jesus.

And before I go I must share about my Good Friday service experience! It was a joint church service in a park, in the centre of town.  The story of the crucifixion was told as a dramatic reading and I read the part of Jesus.  As we approached the actual crucifixion the storm clouds rolled in blocking out the sun and blue sky.. then as we read about the death of Christ, thunder banged across the sky accompanied by lightening in the distance in full view of the congregation!!  The service finished and the clouds disappeared..

What an amazing experience!!

Share in the comments below about your Good Friday, and what Good Friday means to you, I would love to hear!!

God bless ya!

Mark Brown

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Yahweh’s Yarn in a Year : 1 year Bible reading plan

The portion for the next day is: Mark 5-6

To access the complete plan for the year click here.

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  1. Good Friday means many things for me, death for life, sickness for health, emptiness for fulfilment.Separation from God for unity with Him.

    Good Friday is the last time my dad stood and testified about Christ’s love for him before he went home to heaven 5 years ago.

    Good Friday this year will be celebrated with my Husband, who has returned to the faith after 5 years of denying God and His word.

    So, all in all a time to reflect and rejoice.

    • Eric Kramer permalink

      All over the world, people are trying to get to Heaven with their good works. I myself was guilty of that for a long time. But I can’t earn my way to Heaven, and neither can anyone else. It says in Isaiah that even our best deeds, the very best things we do are like filthy rags in the sight of God. So if my best deeds are filthy rags in the sight of God, how much more detestable and unsightly my sins must be in His eyes. The Bible says that there is only ONE Name under Heaven by which we can be saved from eternal hell, and that Name is Jesus Christ. He has a number of different names and titles by which He is identified. Some of them are: Yeshua, Wonderful Counselor, The Light of The World, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

      On Holy Thursday (or Maundy Thursday), we had a service at the Full Gospel Church where I worship. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, and this is what I felt He was saying:

      “People often complain that the guilty are going free and the innocent are being wrongfully accused and punished.” But the same thing happened to me, and it was God’s Master Plan. Before I was even conceived, God knew every sin I would commit, and in His great love, He sent His only begotten Son to suffer and die for me. Jesus knew every time I was going to use His Holy and precious Name as a curse word, and how many times I would use His Father’s Name as a curse word, and He still died for me. He carried my cross and was nailed to it.

      In reality, I was the one who: Spit on Jesus, mocked Him, wove a crown of thorns, pounded it into His head, scourged Him with a whip, nailed Him to a cross, and then mocked Him some more. On top of that, I was the thief on the cross to His left, who mocked Him. But one day, I became the other thief, and I am still the other thief today. I know that I am not even worthy to stand in the presence of Christ to be judged, much less to enter the Kingdom. I will go to Heaven when I die, but not for anything I’ve done; but because of what the Father and His Son did two thousand years ago (give or take a few years).

      “Father God, thank You for sending Your Son to die for me. I’ve sinned against You, and I don’t deserve Your mercy. Thank You Jesus for taking what I deserve so that I can have what I don’t deserve.”

  2. Natalie permalink

    Great majesty across the sky by the sounds of it- perfect!
    Today my Good Friday has been one of hiding to a certain extent. Hiding from the world and from accusation….as I pondered the cross this morning i became acutely aware that my worries, anxiety, regret, fear and sin are all exposed at the foot of the cross and all of those thoughts disappear in the light of His grace and sacrifice for me…thankyou Lord.
    Later today I have felt bored…and a bit lonely, the Spirit suggested I go and see Renee[an old church friend who now goes to another church], I thought ah no, she’ll be away for the weekend…well what do you know at 4pm I got txt…it said ‘I am bored can I come over’….it was from Renee!! We just had the most beautiful time of laughter, tears and prayers…and nailing our doubts & sin to the cross this day together! amen Lord….working out out faith- together- with fear and awe- YOU ARE AMAZING GOD, you knew just what I need and just who I needed today!

  3. obaniyi joseph permalink

    The people think they will be able to destroy the dream that Jesus have but thank God for the King of host; He was able overcome them through His resurrection. They nail him to the cross thinking that they have conquer, He wash my sin away through His death on the cross, so without the cross i am incomplete.

  4. obaniyi joseph permalink

    Thank God Jesus lives on.

  5. Larry permalink

    Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it!

    These words are especially true today. Our Saviour, Jesus, took all of our collective sins, past, present, and future, upon Himself, so we would never have to go thru this….that’s how much He loves us….and today is the day we celebrate His death…..such a horrible death… we may have life…..thanks be to God….to You Jesus….my Saviour…..and for the Holy Spirit….who enables me to even write this…..may today be Thy will….not mine…..we love you Jesus!!!

  6. TomInDallas permalink

    When Christ died on the cross, he made it possible to free me from bondage to Satan and the effects of sin. My life took a sudden turn from living without any hope and mostly wishing for death. Not really wanting to die but seeing no other way out. He not only freed me from that life, literally taking my sins out of me and stopping my self-destruction and what it was doing to my family, but He also reversed my path in a right direction for the first time in 50 years. I didn’t even know I had a spirit, much less that God was supposed to and would run my life. To say I, my wife of 26 years and daughter are grateful would be an understatement. But when I spent last night in a rehab for homeless guys (which I’ve done every week for the last 6+ years) they truly got to see the effect Christ can have on someone who is broken far beyond human repair and existing in a seriously hopeless state of mind and body; how Christ doesn’t change you so much on the outside, although He certainly does that; but how He can change a person so wonderfully and piece them back together correctly on the inside. That’s why I go to rehabs. Most guys know they are dying, like the thief next to Jesus on the cross. But they don’t know they can ask for Him to literally come save them. Thank you so much, Jesus.

    • Sister Pam OP permalink

      Dear Tomin, God bless you for your ministry and being Christ to the poor in spirit. This is the glory and power of the crucifixion, to heal and restore those poor in spirit to a right relationship with God and one another. I give thanks for you.

    • Adrianne Marshall permalink

      Dear TomInDallas: Thank you for your testimony!! You are exactly right, God can & will turn his children around; he restoreth our souls and leads us in the path of righteousness for His name sake!!! Be strong in the Lord & be of good courage!!!

  7. Jo Heatley permalink

    My life was set on a course of self desrtuction. i was negative thinking and speaking. i hated me and rejected the life course i had taken , taking it out on all my nearest and dearest.i was selfish and completely oblivious to the pain I was causing to those around me. Only after an encounter with the evil one did i even acknowledge that God existed. At this point Jesus began to lead me to Him. It took a few years but i’m so glad He did!
    Without Him where would i be? Without His mercy and grace i would have continued on the path of destruction.
    Without His love i wouldn’t have been healed.
    Thank you Lord for paying the price for my sin and washing me in Your cleansing blood, for making me a new creation.
    What can i say, without You Lord i am nothing. i praise You Jesus for You are so worthy of all honour and praise.
    Lord i love you. xxx

    • Sister Pam OP permalink

      Dear Jo, Thank you for your powerful testimony. Jesus came to heal the sick. I rejoice that you accepted his gift, freely given. Bless you.

  8. John Nwosu permalink

    Good Friday means the day God visited me

  9. My good friday has been filled with joy. I have seen many wondorous works of GOD this morning, starting with the clouds rolling then my making it to my destination safe and sound. Praise is what I do.

  10. Becky McSpadden permalink

    I have several iris plants that belonged to my Grandfather, which I transplanted. In the several yrs. that I have had them, they have never bloomed. I noticed some bulbs on one of the plants a few days ago. I have the joy of seeing 3 flowers come out–the third one one this Good Friday. This is most assuredly God’s blessing sent directly to me. You see, my husband of 41 yrs. passed away on Aug. 9, 2009. I had asked the Lord to let me know when it was time to let David go, and He did just that. And now, through these simple, beautiful flowers, He has strengthened my peace at David’s passing and renewed His promise of love and hope in Him (Jesus). What a wonderful blessing for this Easter. Thank you, Lord Jesus for reminding me of Your presence. Amen

  11. tishauna permalink

    What an experience wish I could have saw

  12. With sadness it was that Jesus died on the cross, many tears were shed;

    The Good Friday means that Jesus went into the darkness and made sure His salvation was given to those that passed and to all those that were to believe in His word and God’s plan!….

    And,…Sunday come and the risen from the death was the most miracle ever!

    So, children of God live on, Jesus is alive and loving you unconditional, He already did it at the cross!

  13. kayleen permalink

    Good friday means 2 me the day Jesus died on the cross for my sins, so that we may live! I relise now how greatfull I should be 4 everything that He has done.

  14. Rae Ann Kressin permalink

    Rev Mark: Good Friday is a Beautiful Day yet a day of mourning for me. A day my Savior and Redeemer suffered such unthinkable suffering, degradation and an excruciating death on the cross for me. Yet the beauty of it is that it allowed me the most pitiful sinner of all to be reconcile with our Father in heaven! Every day as I pray I cannot thank and praise Him enough for what He has done for for. So I can simply say Thank you, Lord Jesus, My beautiful Savior and Redeemer for the death you died only for me! Forgive, please!! Amen. rae ann

  15. Robin Ralstin permalink

    After reading the first few comments, I felt inspired to leave one as well. My experience almost seems boring compared to the others, but then God said there are no trivial stories about My Son. Of course He is correct in that!! I grew up in the church. My grandmother gave me the beginning of my faith, which I proceeded to leave and return countless times. I would Pray, read The Bible, attend Church……then I would set off on my own path, again. When my life inevitably would begin to fail, I would turn back to Jesus. I Pray that I walk the path of righteousness from here on out. For to deny this gift of pure Grace, is to deny life, love and true happiness!! I pray that others will come to Him and cast their sins under the blood of our most Precious Savior. He did this for you and me. Thank You, Jesus!!

  16. Each day is a day unto itself so let me simply and briefly share..this mornings experience. I can not even be sure that the regular trash pick up happens today but I did get moving early and at 6:50 I knew it was time to get the remnants of garbage out to the curb for the truck to pick it up. I also was in toe wiggling / devotional time before my feet ever hit the floor with my Lord as I am a single lady without distractions from that. Praise God! I have been fasting and praying across what Catholics call, the season of Lent although I myself am not Catholic. This morning I was addressing one last critical area when I thought to look on-line for a reference from a deliverence ministry book called. Pigs in The Parlor. Peculiar as it may seem, I found a link refering to the Obama administration and Todays parallel meaning to masonic and such organizations. and some end time prophesy. I know one thing and that is how I count everything else lost in order to gain eternal life through Christ and the power of his blood that was shed for me! Oh The Blood of Jesus! I do not hang him back up on the Cross but instead celebrate and communicate through his holy spirit a risen King. Many people need salvation and I am believing for this as I know what ever reference, what ever belief. I am lead and operate from this day forward on a new level of maturity and in the Power and Authority of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I believe There is still time for others to repent, all- though this may be the last hour before his coming. I walk out the rest of my days knowing. Jesus is coming the second coming and I am Singing high praises as my name is written in the book of eternal life. Also believe he has me to be someone’s bride and that man will be strong enough to stand against any adversity through his personal relationship and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am prepared as Esther was prepared for such a time as this and am excited that it is Good Friday with Easter on the horizon.

  17. Florence Hudson (Wright) permalink

    This is an amazing Good Friday. I see GOD in every thing, from the sunrise walk with my husband before he left for work. The listening of the birds, too watching the waves on the water as the sun twinkles across the surface. The experience of air going through my lungs. All could only be possible by the grace of GOD.

    Today is Good Friday and my youngest daughter was born 34 years ago today. She was a gift from GOD and still to this very day I can not thank HIM enough for what an amazing gift HE has given me as well as the rest of the world. She is a woman full of grace and wisdom. And still non of this could be possible without the will of GOD.

    If I left this earth today or tomorrow, I have been blessed with GOD’s grace and mercy. I will never forget that it was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that has shown me the true meaning of love. For in obedience I have seen true overflow in my life. I pray that all people take time to reconize the LOVE that GOD has given to all of us. Amen. (And Mark you are right, without HIM we are incomplete.)

  18. Choclatstar permalink

    I love Good Friday. Maybe more than some other days. The first lesson we learn about God and the Bible and Christianity is LOVE. This day is the fullest expression of the LOVE I can think of. “For God so Loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son.” That is LOVE. Would I give my life or my child’s life for someone I Love and continue to Love them no matter what. That is the kind of Love to strive for, and this day reminds me of that Love I want to aim for..

  19. It was really a ” Godd Friday ” for me because i joined The Station of the Cross here in our community held in the mountain wherein our Church was located, imagine the cool breeze, the pine trees and the sounds of birds, the solemnity of the place added a different experienced for me as we prayed and listened to a wonderful reflections discussed by different people in the community. In the gospels, i find Jesus’ concern for the sick, the poor, the lowly, the sinners. Healing is the integral part of His mission of salvation. He does so even beyond His death on the cross. This is also our call. As we ask for his healing touch, we place our lives at His disposal. Each moment of our life should become His as He works for the salvation of all peole. We are all ” wounded healers “. Being wounded ourselves, we are called to be God’s instruments in the healing of all kinds of wounds – physical, mental, emotional and above all, spiritual wounds that hinder our growth in Christ. While the science of medicine and psychology are gifts of healing that God has given to man, prayer is a special gift, a direct line taht is always open, connecting us to the Source of all healing. When we pray for healing, we must not only pray for ourselves, but we must also pray for others, By this, we become ” other Christs ” to them. And we do so, we are also assured that God will take care of us. All we need is a LOVING HEART to be used by the Lord as a channel of his healing love. This is what good friday means to me!

    • Sister Pam OP permalink

      Dear rei, I am right with you on this one. I, too, am a wounded healer. The amazing thing is that if I had not been wounded in the first place I would not have recognized that I need God as desperately as I do. Continue telling others of the tremendous, perfect sacrifice made for us. Salvation is ours if accept it.

  20. Sandra permalink

    Thats is a really amazing experience!
    Today I was sitting at my desk today studying and softly listening to music in the background. As I was sitting there contently reading, my salvation song came on (the song that I sung just after I accepted Chist into my life). At that moment I stopped and reflected on how much my life has changed since I asked the Lord to take my life and make it His. It brought me to tears at the thought being able to have that opportunity only because of what Jesus done on the cross for my and the sacrafice that God made so I can come to Him personally.
    Words can’t say how thankful I am!
    Thank you Jesus 😀

  21. Dave permalink

    Today is an amazing and the most wonderful remainder of sacrifice and true love. Am challenged to re look at my Christian walk and live the abundant life Jesus prepared for me. Thank you Jesus

  22. Donna permalink

    Good Friday-the day my Savior went all the way for me. HE went all the way to the cross and endured punishment for my sins and the sins of the whole world. that love is is so amazing to me, i will never get over it, as i reflect on this day i can only pray that i live a life worthy of the price my Savior payed for me. As every eye focuses on this day and the horror of what happened, my heart at times becomes heavy but then i look up and beyond that day and see the resurrection! glory to GOD!!

  23. I have extreme severe anzieity and i worry a lot about my family but this being Good Friday i feel that G od is saying everything is going to be ok. I feel, as a sinner that Good Friday should be recognized as Gods celebration for being our Heavinly Father. Without him, we wouldn’t be here !

  24. I think Good Friday is a bit of a misnomer. I mean, it wasn’t too great for Jesus. I understand that you guys have your own beleifs about what that means to you, but it still seems like a celebration of sadism.

    Either way, I am sorry that you all have such a low opinion of yourselves. I hope you feel better.

    • Sister Pam OP permalink

      Dear Mat,

      God loves us so much that he was willing to suffer finite pain so we can live with Him forever. Any loving parent would do the same. Keep struggling with this thought. This Friday is Good, not because of Jesus’ suffering, but because the road to heaven was reopened. Sin was atoned. All we need to do is recognize our sins, repent and ask for forgiveness. This not only gives us life forever, but peace in this day and age.
      Peace be with you,
      Sister Pam

  25. Interesting that you asked what Good Friday means to us…

    Check out my latest blog post I wrote yesterday…

    Have a wonderful Good Friday and Easter celebration!

  26. Dwayne permalink

    Good Friday is a symbol of the sacrifice Jesus made on behalf of every single human being past, present and future. to reflect on that and try to comprehend the love that Jesus has for us it just overwhelming. He loves us so much that he freely suffered great and agonizing pain and laid down his life for you and me. wow! that is a love beyond comparison to any love that we express to our family and friends, husbands and wives, brothers and sister, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, grandparents, aunts and uncles. this is a love that is deeper than we can even grasp or understand. on this Good Friday, I am truly thankful to Jesus, my Lord and Savior, who gives me life and freedom from the sins of the world; and if I stumble, which I do everyday, he has the love and compassion and grace and mercy to forgive me of it just by asking for it. it is so simple and easy, yet by comparison, the price he paid was full of pain and grief and finally death. Thank you Lord Jesus for loving me, a sinner, and dying so that I may ask forgiveness and you are gracious to give it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  27. melissa purpus permalink

    Good Friday… I was just sitting on my front porch a little earlier thinking and looking at all the blessings before me. The beautiful weather we’re having, a nice house, my wonderful fiance at work, my little 14 month old walking around laughing, and all the things that we so frequently take for granted like clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet, a wonderful family, our good health, food to eat… and the list goes on and on for me. But all these things wouldn’t have been possible if it had’nt been for what Jesus did so long ago. He took my sin and my shame willing on His shoulders so that I could have everlasting life with Him; not only, when i accepted Him as my personal Savior, He came to live inside me and He is the one who gives me ALL the blessings in my life. Thank you Lord. HE LIVES!!!!!

  28. Lydia Reyes permalink

    I always stay home from work on Good Friday. I begin my time in the word of God. I try to spend alot of the day in fasting and prayer. I knew today ,Pastor Mark would have something special to discuss, so I went into site and what a beautiful post it was. I know that there is a time difference because right now it is 1:20 PM in Florida, and my Good Friday service will be later at 7:00 PM , so I will continue to fast, pray and turn to my Lord. The comments that are here now are so inspiring and encouraging. Thank God for all the participant and all who come to read them. Good Friday is a bit solemn and glorius. I just feel so sad in knowing the suffering my Lord went thru for all off us sinners and then I feel so happy that he is the risen Christ that gives us new Life. Jesus, I accept your Gift of forgiveness and Salvation. Thanks And Praise to you, MY GOD

  29. Dutch permalink

    The greatest day in history! The most beautiful and greatest even ever! The only Truth! I used to live for being the most famous, and most popular person, the most talked about, I wanted to be admired and praised myself, I wanted to chase girls, and chase being fame, I imagined myself doing interviews and being talked about all around the world, I wanted to be the biggest guy on the block, I thought I was a great guy, I thought I was good enough to go to Heaven, I was rude and greedy, selfish, arrogant, and prideful, coveted after everything, wanted tobe comforted, hated on others and murdered others, played polite, but was rude, and mean, I was a terrible sinner. I am a stinking sinner, I am a terrible stinking sinner, I was drowning in an endless ocean of sin, couldn’t do anything, just drowning in my evil sin, and Jesus Christ threw me the gift of rescue, He threw my the ladder to grab on to, I didn’t need to swim anywhere or grab a particular part of it, just grab it, just grab it and surrender to Jesus. I found the Cross and realized I was tiny, tiny and no big-show but extremely important to our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. I was engulfed in my own sin and unrighteousness before I turned to Christ, now, I am engulfed in faith, hope, and love given by the Alpha and Omega Jesus Christ. I deserve death and punishment for my sin, I deserved to be crucified and tortured and nailed forever, I deserved that horrible death, but Jesus Christ took that sin debt upon Himself this day 2,000 years ago. He paid for my sins in full, it is finished! Not anything I say, do or even pray can rescue me, not if another Christian prays for me, or assures me I’m going to Heaven, only Jesus Christ assurance is important, and it is so simple and so true and so powerful. The Gospel is so true, and so powerful, and so simple and the most important message ever. All we have to say is this: Yes, Lord, I am Yours! That’s it, we repent, and we believe and we have eternal life. How great is our God! Let’s not just say with our mouths ‘God is great’, let us really be blown away and humbled in this glorious day by His grace! Thank You Jesus Christ for dying on the Cross to pay for my sins, I believe You Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Rose Again from the dead the Third Day and conquered death! Thank You Great, Loving Lord and Heavenly, Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ for eternal life in Heaven with You Glorious and Blessed Father forever! In Jesus Christ Might Precious Name! Amen!

  30. betty permalink

    This good friday has alot of reminders for me, i have gotten the perfect opportuinity to reflect on my spiritual being deeds and attitude, hwever hard, it has come to my realization that I have tremediously neglected my call to christianity and needs to wake up and seek God’s Mercy and Grace.
    Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins, help me to live by this evry day!

  31. Kevin Carlie permalink

    This has been a GOOD FRIDAY. First off, school was good, no problems, and I further realized the many ways God is acting in my life. He helped me to realize that I shouldn’t worry about the bad things I go through, but to continue to look forward to the positive blessings that God gurantees. Thank You Lord and I praise you and offer my body, my heart, my mind, and my soul, my life to You to do Your will Lord God. Guide me through the rest of the day, bless me, my love, faith, and patience, protect me, my family, friends, and enemies as well, and loved ones, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. This in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen, Thank You Lord for all you do, bless our days to come to be filled with Your love, grace, mercy, and presence. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

  32. Sister Pam OP permalink

    Good Friday is a day of sorrow and a day of rejoicing. How can a person understand the suffering of God when it is so great? We can only understand it in recognizing salvation as the gift of love that it is. Jesus’ death opened the road to heaven for those who wish to travel that path. In that, heaven and earth rejoice! I remain sad that Jesus needed to suffer and die. I am sad that so many still reject this most tremendous gift.

    I do not feel well today so I am home praying, reading scripture and studying the crucifixion. I am listening to Ancient Faith Radio. It helps me focus on the Good Friday message.

  33. Cynthia permalink

    God so loved the world that HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON TO DIE ON A CROSS, SO THAT WE MAY HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE, “THAT’S LOVE”. We should all reflect upon this day on the LOVE that we have in Christ. I have been moved to really reflect upon my love walk and I am ashamed of it!!!!!The bible says that we are to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul, and then to love our neighbors as ourselves. I was so affixed on keeping his commandments that i was disobeying the one that trumps them all, to walk in LOVE ALWAYS. The bible says if I have faith enough to move mountains and not love I am nothing, and if I have prophetic powers and not love I gain nothing. First to LOVE CHRIST and second to LOVE MY NEIGHBOR AS MYSELF. Let’s begin to practice this commandment, ask God to increase our LOVE WALK, that will please God and also ultimately heal the world. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. AMEN

  34. Gayl Caul permalink

    It’s a day for contemplation–one of the holiest in the year. The Bible describes the rending of the temple veil giving all of us entry to the Holy of Holies, and the opening of the graves demonstrating His power over death. Then, His departure from the grave opened the gates of Heaven for believers.

    Jesus’ torturous death purchased our eternity in His glorious presence.

  35. Thank you Jesus for being so caring and loving of your fellow man. It is so great to come to a site like this and read comments from other people. I feel like there is hope for me. Everytime I picture Jesus on the cross I tear up and feel dep pain for him. HOw can poeple not love Jesus and turn their back on the good he did is hard to understand. Bless you Mark and all of you who also write such inspiring comments. God Bless all of you and have a God Blessed Easter.

    • Eric Kramer permalink

      The devil is a very convincing liar, and he would love for you to believe that you aren’t worthy to be saved, even by the blood of Jesus. Satan has already been judged, and he knows where he is going. But he’d like to take a lot of people with him. Continue to put your trust in Jesus Christ, read and meditate on the Word of God every day, and walk closely with Christ. God bless you!

  36. Thunder and lightning like when Jesus was crucified on the cross. You may be blessed there was not an earthquake as well. Awesome.

  37. Kayla permalink

    Amen, we are nothing without Christ! This blog applies directly to what God is teaching me–what a God thing! Praise the Lord! It is astounding to think upon what Jesus did for us–died of the Cross for our sins. As a friend of my Aunt’s said, If it wasn’t for Easter, Christmas would mean nothing. Thank you for allowing God to use you to share the Message across the World (as I am in Tennessee)!

  38. thank-you for the message keep on thriving and keep up with the closeness you have I am trying to strengthen my relationship but am wandering off a bit during the day I must stay in the word and your reflection helps I am going to pray for you to not get overwhelmed

  39. Stephen White permalink

    Good Friday is part of a journey through the last week of Jesus’ life until his glorious resurrection on Easter. It is a story that is told in the gospels, and played out in our own lives: we are part of the story (recall Paul’s words ‘I have bee crucified with Christ’) we live through it, we die and we are raised to new life. To walk this journey is at once humbling, painful yet at the end, triumphant. Because Jesus lives, we live also.

    Possible the most moving part was the simplest: a reading through Matthew’s account of the trial and death of Jesus.The church was lit by seven candles. After each of the seven readings a candle was blown out and at the end there was darkness: like the fleeing disciples we left in silence and waited for the glorious surprise and triumph of Easter morning.

    Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

  40. Samar Michel Semaan permalink

    Everytime I read about Christian liturgy profoundly I am amazed by the level of depth found in my religion as during this time of the year the Christians of the world relive Jesus’s pain combined with the hope of resurrection. it is He my Lord who died for all the sinners out there to give us eternal life. Our faith is what remains after all mainly when everything in this world is mortal….Jesus is my savior and I cannot but pray to Him because He is the reason beyond our existence as Christians since we proudly hold His name and it is He who said that I send you as sheeps ….
    I’m Lebanese and very proud of the Christian presene in the Middle-East….Today I cannot but pray for my brothers in Iraq, Egypt and other countries where they are persecuted for their faith….I thank God for the freedom we have in Lebanon….It is hoped that we will not be forced to leave one day because without us the Lebanese identity will cease to exist!

  41. Lauren permalink

    My good friday event was so simple, but here it is. I work at a place that has really great customer service and lots of good people. But being just good won’t get you to heaven, and I was reminded of that when customers started saying to me “Happy Easter!”

    I didn’t realize how much I needed Jesus yesterday until someone looked at me and said, “you have a Happy Easter” I was so happy to hear that, it was like God saying hey girl I know you and I am here like always.

  42. Sherwin A. Tabada permalink

    Mr. Brown,Sir,here in my country Philippines,Good Friday is very Solemn to us as christian.As for my experience on this 2010 Holy Week,this is the first time me & my family together doing the Way of the Cross as traditionally somehow we are doing here in my country.I found it out so fortunate to be with,what our Lord Jesus experience going to the Calvary.Me,My wife & my 3 children deep with in exercising our faith to our Lord Jesus,celebrating this Holy Week remind us that we are nothing without our Lord,if we somehow compelling to exist with our own strength it means nothing,so as we celebrate this Paschal Mysteries of Our Lord Jesus Christ,we totally submit our whole existence to HIM alone until the end of our life.HIM alone to GOD BE THE GLORY!

  43. RITA ENYIM permalink

    good friday as i recall is how much God love me i dont think i could give up on chololate even when am not to have much of it, how much more given up my only son for someone like me, what a love so cmpletely, unconditional for me, i cant stop thinking who am i that God should be mindful of, even when my faith fail me at storms of life, He is there for me even when i dont want to acknowledge Him, He love me still, indeed without the cross i am nothing. Thank YOU LORD JESUS FOR LOVING MORE SO MUCH MORE THAT YOU WENT THROUGH ALL THE PAIN,SHAME AND REJECTION FOR ME, THANK YOU MY SAVIOUR

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