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Synchronised with Christ

March 30, 2010

Colossians 2:6-7: So then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

God is working on my massively right now.  It hurts at times, facing my inadequacy, but it is also full of amazing joy as I push through and feel myself take a tiny step deeper into God’s presence. And this reading from Colossians is point blank awesome!

I so want to live in Christ and was keen to find out exactly what that meant, so I dived into the greek and was blown away to discover that it literally means to walk around with Christ, that is, as we walk about doing life, we don’t do it alone.

And when you walk or run with someone you care deeply about you develop a mutual rhythm, you talk heaps, and you share the challenge.

In the same way I want my rhythm to be totally in step with Jesus, to be synchronised with Christ.  And that can only happen when I recognise Christ walking/running beside me through my day and by seeking to be in step with Him.

I also love the idea of talking heaps to Jesus throughout the day, prayer talking, just having a good old yarn.  Though I will make sure I do that in my mind rather than out aloud..

And in acknowledging Christ walking/running with me through life I also believe that I am not facing the tough stuff alone.  When the path gets hard, He is there to lend a hand.

So Jesus as I walk through life, as I run through my day, you are right there beside me, I seek your rhythm, look forward to our chats and welcome your amazing support.

Praise God!!

God bless,

Mark Brown

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Yahweh’s Yarn in a Year : 1 year Bible reading plan

The portion for the next day is: Psalms 36-38

To access the complete plan for the year click here.

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  1. Jacques permalink

    Wow Mark, what an awesome way to describe it. I could actually see it in my minds’ eye. Wow, thank you Jesus for using Mark in such an awesome way. God bless you and your family! Praise be to God!

  2. Sandy permalink

    Blessings Mark!!
    That’s what I actually need: A rhythm with Jesus!!
    Lord I yearn to YOUR presence and YOUR word!

  3. Vera Duffie permalink

    Now that I have found my Lord I want to keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25 NIV). I found this spriture years ago and see it in a new light. Keeping in rhythmn is the follow through.

  4. Jason permalink

    Thank you for this reading Mark. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect! God bless you and your family!

  5. Sherry permalink

    Thank you! I very much needed this.

  6. marty permalink

    Hi Pastor Mark. Yes this is my search also. It is not always easy so if we find that rhythm with Jesus we are so lucky. God bless you.

  7. Rebecca permalink

    I read your messages and it’s like revelation. I’m going through a deal of emotional pain, and obstacles in life that sometimes, at this point, make me just want to curl up somewhere and sleep until it’s all over. But reading your messages gives me a good feeling. I know that God is watching over me… I know that Jesus is with me… but I think that because I haven’t given myself 100%, i’m still struggling spiritually … I still haven’t found my peace….my place (I dont think). I know our God is good God, and I do find comfort in knowing that I will be victorious. I think that maybe sometimes I am moved by what I feel and see, which is wrong, and in Jesus name, that will stop, because without him, who am I?? But your messages help all the more. Thank you 🙂

  8. Rebecca permalink

    Can I just ask, how do you know God is telling you something is or isn’t right for you?

    • hey! The more I read the Word, the more I am clear about what is right and isn’t right. God communicates, via the Holy Spirit, through His Word.

  9. Thx for the translation in greek for the word ‘live in Him’. At first i though it was something like imitation as we live a life like Christ, but walk with Him is really something I would call ‘sync-ing’!

  10. Davitta permalink

    Brother Mark! I thank you for allowing God to use you in such an amazing way and for sharing with us…this is truly wonderful for me in my current circumstance. I am in a position of decision making and have so many to chose from and how to do this. Thank you for the reminder that I am to synchronized with Christ in my walk/run/jog…whatever it is..HE IS THERE!

    Blessing to you on your journey brother

  11. Cathy permalink

    Hi Mark,
    Love the devotion, but I’m confused. I copied the part that I don’t understand. “I also love the idea of talking heaps to Jesus throughout the day, prayer talking, just having a good old yarn. Though I will make sure I do that in my mind rather than out aloud..

    My question is why do you have to keep it in your mind, and speak it out loud. I think we should talk to God everyday out loud, like he is our “blue tooth”.

    Have a wonderful day in the Lord!


    • speaking out aloud is wonderful! I was just making light of if I was in public and speaking out aloud to myself! God bless ya, Mark

  12. Awesome! when you stay with our dear God, when you acknowledged Him, and go on walking with Him… all the things that you do and you offer it to Him… you are walking on the right track! Whatever you encounter through the path you are passing in your life always remember that God is stepping in your footprints, behind you. He guides us all the way! Praise God! God bless you Sir mark!

  13. Stacy permalink

    I like that. 🙂 I never really understood exactly what it meant by “live in Christ.” That totally makes sense, though. And it is actually something God has already been putting on my heart just in the past 24 hours. 🙂

  14. joan m anderson permalink

    i see God is taking u higher in another level. am not a not a prophet and not even trying to be , God is useding u Mark in ways u can’t even imaging. i love this morning ‘s word God been close to us i never look at it like that , that is y God allow u to look it up . thank u man of God. be bless in the Lord .

  15. Joni permalink

    You are blessing to a lot of people out there. Thank you for your awesomeness. God Bless You!!

  16. Jo Heatley permalink

    Hi Mark!
    I really needed to hear that today. I really need Jesus’ support right now, to know that He is right there walking alongside me.
    My husband recently has had a series of illness’s that are potentially very serious and every time we get our heads round one thing another illness is discovered.
    I am trusting God whatever happens but am feeling weighed down and very concerned for his future.
    I keep casting all my cares on Him and asking for healing but feel quite low.
    Could you please pray for us. Thanx Jo x

  17. Joyce Kesterman permalink

    Thank you for the reading. It is so wonderful to be
    able to whisper to God all day long, to thank Him for
    the little blessings that make life easier
    to stop and realize that He is in me, under me, over me and around me ALL the time. When I am at my lowest point He is there reminding me that He will never leave me or forsake me. God Bless you.

  18. KKY-Omaha, Ne permalink

    That is how I pictured it like the way you said it. Walking and talking with Him every step of the way. Giving thanks for His goodness.

  19. Thank You. This made me cry because sometimes I feel guilty in the way that I think and then I tell myself that I don’t deserve that joy and love Jesus brings into our lives, so this is a constant struggle within me and outside of myself also. Sincerely cbrowngo

  20. Shasta permalink

    Thank you Mark for your last two days of messages. They really hit the mark for me. Truly understanding that God is always near me gives me a new perspective on my days. New work and new church for me as well. but also the feeling that I am standing still. I feel like there is something I should be doing, besides reading the bible, but I guess I’ll find out when He is ready for me to find out. Continually talking with Him is something I really need to start doing. But as you say, in my head instead of out loud! I thank God for those who allow Him to use them to share with us. So thank God for you and many continued blessings for you and your family.
    God Bless

  21. Hello pastor mark I feel the same way. I started a new diet yesterday.
    And I know it is only by god I well be able to do it.
    Thank god for being here with me god bless you and I really needed to hear this today. It does make a lot of sent to me today god bless you and yours in Jesus name your brothers in christ cecil and Jason Burdette

    ps All the things you send me make sent. It just this one really hit home today. Rite where i needed it stay blessed in jesus name cecil and jason.

  22. Deeka permalink

    Hi Mark, thank you for what you do, thank you for sharing all of this with us.
    I feel a need to start a new diet too, actually two.
    One to clean my body and the other one, more important to clean my spirit.
    I want to walk with God and make His will, sometimes it’s very difficult to understand which way to follow, sometimes it’s difficult to remain on track when you are on it. Sometimes I still struggle to understand if I’m following God or the d*vil is trying to deceive me. Would God allow the d*evil to deceive us to teach us a lessons? I wanna be with you God, I wanna make your will, I pray you to show me the way and I will follow and be obedient.

  23. Lizabeth permalink

    I love this. I SO SO want that to be constantly synchronized with Jesus. Thank you for an awesome word!

  24. Mark,
    You described me almost everyday. Especially when my students are giving me trouble. I close my eyes and ask for Jesus to guide me and help me. Jesus is awesome and as we know he proved his love for us. I still am asking for everyone to pray for me and my fiance’ that we will be together soon and that he will have a new job. Everyone in your prays also pray for our children.

  25. jonathan permalink

    i really needed this today. i really messed up in my Christian walk yesterday, and “dropped the ball” so to speak. i have pouted and felt terrible, but after reading this i realize that even though i did mess up, that Christ is still walking and running beside me!!! Thank you father for not leaving me- amen

  26. Aku permalink

    I feel so happy with this kind of vision, Pls keep it up.

  27. Lydia Reyes permalink

    It is so wonderful to know that Jesus is always with us. I know that thru the difficult times in my life, I have moments that I feel alone,but then my mind goes back to all the storms he has gotten me thru and I realize that is me that looked away from Jesus . In his word he says that he will never leave us or forsake us. In some of the psalms it reminds us to never forget the wondrous deeds he has done for his people. So this is what brings me to walk, talk , run with God thruout my life. We may slip, but he is holding us from falling back to our sinfullness. This week is so special for me for I know , My Savior Lives.

  28. joshua permalink

    Jesus love! This is just what i needed 🙂 Praise God forever and throughout all eternity! 🙂

  29. Kayla permalink

    Praise the Lord for this insight! Just this morning I was struggling spiritually, knowing that God hears my prayers and loves me, yet not “feeling” it. Since I was behind on reading the Journey Deeper emails, I read the one Rev. Brown sent on Friday as well as this one, and found them so encouraging! Praise the Lord for the truths found in His Word and for friends and family that encourage us in it! I yearn to be in rhythm with our Savior!!!

  30. Sylvia Obot permalink

    Your reflections have been helpful, i thank God u. Ive got a little issue at hand n i want 2know ur opinion about it. Lately, ive bn learning about grace from Max Lucado n its been mmm-wonderful. it tells me im made right, just by faith, not by my works. but d thing is, sometime i feel im so wrong, dirty inside dt i’l abuse d grace, so resting on d grace is a bit difficult. besides, every around me seems to be ‘working out their salvation so to spk n i feel i cn neva succeed at it. i dunno knw hw to do d whole head shaking loud prayers, n im scared abt fasting like others, goin on long stretches…its just scary see everyone ‘working out their salvation with fear n trembling’ n then here’s Max showing me wt d Bible says abt grace- an obviously easier way…i’d like to knw wt u think abt all ds. PLEASE REPLY

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